Chapter 5

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I initially didn't get much sleep the night before and I was hoping to take a nap in the car— boy was I wrong. These guys are loud. I don't know how Suga does it. The ride was long and loud, but fun.

I spent most of the time talking to Hoseok and constantly teasing each other. Nothing has changed between us, it's like we were never separated. As the guys continue playing around— I could barely hear myself think with all the noise— I took out my sketchbook and began to draw and sketch out the passing scenery: the trees, the highway, the passing cars that occasionally caught a face in.

Somehow, I was able to fall asleep. I was dreaming about home, high school, and other memories throughout the years with Hoseok and the Bangtan Boys. When I woke up, we were right outside of Busan. I look up to see V, Jimin, and Jungkook staring back at me kind of funny. "What?"

Still half asleep, and a little confused, I touch my face thinking there was something on it. This was very amusing to them for they muffled in their laughter even more. I'm starting to get annoyed, "What?" I repeat.

They stay silent and continue giving me their mischievous and suspicious looks.

"What is so funny?"

Suga snickers, while V and Jungkook whisper and giggle like little girls with juicy gossip. RM is even staring back at us from the front seat, wiggling his eyebrows. "Oh, that is not a good sign," I thought.

Jimin held back a smile and looks down pointing behind me. I turn my head and realize that I had fallen asleep on Hoseok, who was also fast asleep.

Usually, I wouldn't mind this, but at the moment I was surrounded by a group of really hot, mischievous dorks who love teasing me about our relationship and my feelings for him. Plus, they were watching me— how embarrassing...and creepy. I suddenly notice Jungkook holding something.

A phone.

"You didn't." I pled. He flashes me a big, bunny teeth, smile and wiggles his eyebrows. I felt the blood drain from my face, "You little—"

"We're here!" shouts Jin, as he parks the van, "C'mon guys, let's get going." Looks like Mama Jin has awakened (inside A.R.M.Y joke lolol). Hoseok wakes up, noticing everyone is still looking our way and how I look like I'm about to murder the maknae.

"Uh, what's going on here?" he asked groggily, letting out a confused laugh.

"Nothing!" I answer a little too quickly than I planned.

"We made it to the beach," V shouts cheerfully.

"Yeah! So...see ya!" says Jungkook dashing out of the van with me right behind him. "Oh, no you don't!" I holler after him. Everyone else rushes out behind us, all without getting their things. Mama Jin was not very happy with that.

BTS is known for being extremely fast and athletic, but Jungkook with a picture or video. That is dangerous. And I am not letting that little "golden maknae" get the best of me.

He did a bit of fancy footwork dodging me, but I, surprisingly, caught up to him. He probably thought he didn't have to try very hard and slowed down or something. That's so infuriating how guys think like that. When close enough I leap onto his back, throwing him completely off guard— Jungkook trips, bringing both of us down into the sand.

He drops the phone.

I take my shot snatching the phone and I sprint down the beach as fast as I can, quickly looking through the photos for a video or picture or something. There was nothing. I slowly come to a stop, puzzled, I hear Jungkook come up from behind laughing. "Alright, where is it?" I demand.

He tilts his head to the side with a confused expression, "Where's what?"

"Don't you give me that. I can see right through those innocent eyes of yours, mister." I furrow my eyebrows, "I saw you recording us. Now where's the video, the picture?"

Jungkook broke out in laughter. "Do you really think I would record you?" He cocked his eyebrow and chuckles, "Look, I may be the maknae, but I'm not that childish. C'mon, I'm not V-hyung."

"But when I asked, you said—"

"I didn't say anything, now did I?" he stated.

I thought for a second and look down, embarrassed. I fold my arms over my chest and purse my lips, resenting that I have to apologize to the youngest member for my stupid actions. "Okay, I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions...and attempt to kill you." I mumble. "Mianhae, Kookie."

He nodded, holding a very suspicious smile. "But...that doesn't mean the hyungs didn't record anything though," he muttered.

My eyes widen. "No. Oh no, no, no! — that twerp is just messing with you. Don't flip out and kill him. Don't flip out and kill him." I took a deep breath and calm myself down. "You can just kill the others later."

I huff and sat in the sand, "Wait, but you know I wouldn't have chased you if— why didn't you tell me that before?" I complain.

"I know," he smirks. Now I'm even more confused. "We were in that van for like 4 hours, I needed the exercise," Jungkook explained with a pleased expression on his face, "So gamsahabnida!" he waved as he walks away, whistling.

So, in a way, I was just exercise equipment?

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