Chapter 15

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Hoseok went back to his room to pack up and get ready for the day. I was alone again, immediately wishing he would come back. I'm suddenly a little nervous; bad thoughts were invading my head. I wonder how people would react to us being together. I know BTS will be thrilled— all the work they've put in for both of us throughout the years has finally paid off.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

"Hey, Ollie are you ready? We need to get going, babe." he called from the other side of the door. "The others are waiting for us in the lobby."

"Okay, be right there," I shout back, quickly changing into a simple white t-shirt and high-waisted jean shorts with converse sneakers. I shake the negative thoughts out of my head, quickly grab my things and rush to the door. When it opened, there he was, my hope. Hoseok, in a loose red baseball shirt with a pair of jean shorts and blue vans; he flashes me another bright smile. I smile back. He offers me his hand, and I gladly took it, pulling me into his arms. Our lips automatically finding each other.

He intertwines our fingers, locking our hands together. We walk down the halls to the lobby, hand in hand, playfully swinging them back and forth like children.

I must have had a worried expression on my face, because when we reached the elevator, he gave me a suspicious look. "Something wrong, jagi?" he asked.

"Hm?— No, I'm just tired," I quickly reply, I didn't get much sleep last night. I chuckle thinking of what happened. Of course, he didn't believe me entirely, but he let it go.

"Finally! What took you so long, hyung?" Jungkook whined, as we reached the group in the lobby.

Jimin taps the maknae's shoulder. "Mwo?" he looked at his shorter hyung with a confused face. Jimin gestures toward us, making Jungkook even more confused, till he saw our hands. The expression on his face was like a little kid meeting Santa Clause. One by one, the group began to notice, and they got excited. Swarming us with questions.

"Are you two...?" RM trailed off. I nod with a shy smile.

Jin gasped in excitement, "Jinjja?" His face beaming with happiness.

"Omo! When did this happen?" Suga asked excitedly.

"Last night."

"Ahh! We don't need to hear that," Jimin exclaimed, covering Jungkook's ears. "There are innocent ears among us!"

My eyes snap wide. "Oh my God."

"Hyung, cut it out!" Jungkook swats Jimin away.

"Yah! Nothing like that happened!" Hoseok snapped. "Byuntae."

My cheeks heat up tremendously. This is so embarrassing. I look down using my hair to hide my red face.

"So you're together? Daebak!" V and Jungkook cheer.

"Finally!" Jimin exclaims. I laugh at how excited they were. It was heartwarming at how supportive they were of us.

The members came in for a sudden group hug with me being squished right in the middle of them all. I couldn't stop giggling. Hoseok is next to me and gives me a big kiss on the cheek making an obnoxiously loud noise. "Mmmwuahh!"



BTS shout in a mixture of happiness and disgust. Hoseok and I roll our eyes.

"Pabos! Will you knock it off so we can get going?" I laugh as I try squeezing out of the suffocating hug. We grab our things and pile up into the car. I sat in the back between RM and Hoseok, leaning my head against Hoseok's shoulder while he laid his head on top of mine; lacing our fingers together he started to caress my hand with his thumb, and I immediately fall asleep with a small smile on my face.

As I slept, I started thinking about my relationship with Hoseok again. Throughout the years; from high school, the crazy summer trips and visits, to us now. I also thought about how BTS reacted, I wonder if we'll even tell anyone else and if the public would accept our relationship. What about A.R.M.Y...? I'm a part of that fandom, I've seen how crazy they can be— how any fandom can be. I don't care, I'm not letting them get to me. But then what about school? I leave at the end of summer...—

I suddenly woke up, my mind was foggy, and I couldn't figure out where I was exactly.

"Sleep well?"

I look up to find Hoseok looking at me with his playful eyes. I push my negative thoughts and worries away in the back of my head, again, and enjoy my view of this little ball of sunshine.

"Oh, Hobi. Hi," I smile, my voice sounded hoarse.

I peck his lips, which causes him to flash me a wide Hoseok smile. "Yeah, I did thanks," I reply.

"God why am I so awkward?!"

"Eww, none of that now." A voice complains.

We both look up to see V and Jungkook watching us disgusted. V scrunches his nose holding back a smile, while Jungkook points a finger to his tongue like he's about to gag. Hoseok grabs a neck pillow and whacks them both.

"Mind your own business."

Suga starts to grumble, I guess he just woke up too, and shouts from the front of the car in a tired, monotone voice. "Yah. You're not gonna be making little ones back there, are you?"


The whole car was silent for a few long seconds then everyone, in a delayed reaction, bursts out laughing. Hoseok's eyes were huge as if they were about to pop out of his head, and I can't speak. My voice is completely caught in my throat, while both of our faces change into three different shades of pink.

I climb towards the front and hit Suga as hard as I could, while he's goes breathless from laughter. "Ahahaha— ow! Ah! Okay—yah! Yah!"

"Byuntae! Why would you say something like that?!" I hiss. "Ugh! You're lucky you're a famous idol. If you weren't, you'd be dead."

"Okay— okay, mianhae!" He said in between laughs.

"You don't say inappropriate things like that," I scold him with a death glare. "Pervert!"

"Yeah, yeah," he waved my words away, obviously not caring. I smack his shoulder one last time. "Aish!"

I turn back towards Hoseok, my lips pursed in annoyance. He raised his eyebrow, surprised, as I lean back against him. "Remind me not to piss you off again," I heard him mumble, making a smirk grow.

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