Chapter 18

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Everyone ran around like little kids, playing games and having fun. I'm not into video games like they are, so I did some walking around. Then something caught my eye, a claw machine. And inside that claw machine was a little fluffy panda bear doll.

Pandas are my shizz. I went a little nuts and just stare; it was just so darn cute!

"Ah! There you are. I've been looking all over for you." Hoseok cheerfully called. He started rambling on about another game that I really didn't care about, so I just kinda zoned him out— thinking of different strategies on how to get that bear.

"You've got to try this. There's this game that I..." he stops, realizing that I wasn't even paying attention. He lightly whistles, waving a hand near my face. "Hey, are you in there?" Finally, he left to go find someone else to talk about his game.

"Olive!" A pair of hands grab my sides causing me to shriek; instinctively, I turn around, smacking the culprit in the face— Hoseok.

"Oh my God!" I gasp, covering my mouth with my hands. He held the side of his face with wide eyes staring at me with total shock. "Hobi, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"

"Damn, Ollie," he rubs his cheek and lets out a hearty chuckle. "You got a good slap."

"W-well, that's what you get for scaring me," I growl, "and tickling me— and calling me olive."

I let out a big breath and laugh at his expression, "So you just deserved that. Period."

I took a glance at the toy, and lean up against Hoseok batting my eyes. "Hobi, I really am sowwy, I didn't mean to. You just scared me." I pout my lip and rub the side of his face. "Will you pwease forgive me?"

I kiss the non-blush pink spot on his cheek. "Dang! I left a good mark too." Not gonna lie, I was pleased.

He noticed the claw machine and burst out laughing. "Aish, okay I'll get the bear. Just stop!" he begs in between laughs. "I can't take it."

I lift my hands in the air and hug him. "Yay!"

"I really am sorry about hitting you though," I apologize again.

"Yeah, yeah," he rolled his eyes and chuckled, "you just want the damn panda."

Now we all know claw machines, they're rip-offs. But, Hoseok was determined to get the bear. I try to stop him from wasting another quarter— I lost track of count after 10. "Hobi, that's enough. It's just a toy. I don't need it." At first, he merely wanted to do something sweet and get a little prize for me, but now he just wants to beat the stupid machine.

"No, wait! Look where it is! I got it this time!" He shouts with confidence.

"C'mon Hobi, you've wasted enough money. Let's go play something else—"

"I have used almost $5 worth of quarters," he spoke sharply. "You are getting that bear."

I facepalm myself, "What have I done?"

He has officially cracked. I walk over towards the others. Jin, RM, and Jimin are getting really competitive in a racing game. Suddenly, I hear a loud siren and screechy cheer. I turn around and find an adorable panda bear doll in my face, along with a bright and cheery ball of sunshine.

"Look what I got!" he sang.

"For you miss," Hoseok spoke with a terrible British accent and bows, handing it to me as if he was presenting something really fancy.

"Ah! It's so cute!" I jump up and down like an idiot, overly excited. I took the toy and squeeze it, cuddling it like my life depended on it.

"Yah! What about me?" Hoseok huffed. "I got that stubborn little thing—whoa!"

I throw my arms around him giving him a big hug, "Thank you, oppa!"

He went still for a moment, "Did you just call me oppa?"

My eyes slightly widened, and I look down, blushing. I bit my lip suddenly feeling shy and shake my head. "No."

"Did too," he taunted me.

"You imagined it."

He gave me a smirk and came closer. "And you suck at lying," he whispers low in my ear, causing me to blush even harder.

In a blink of an eye Hoseoks face beamed with joy, his bright smile grew even bigger, and he shrieks with excitement and laughter. "It's about time!" he laughs as he squeezes me to death, giving me a kiss on the cheek. He also ruffles up my hair, earning a whack on the arm.

"Yah! Why are you so violent?" he whines.

"Why are you so annoying?"

We join the others, who are having a very intense skeeball tournament against each other—loser buys dinner tonight. Right now, they're at the finals, Jin and Jungkook. They were going nuts. I have to admit, it was fun to watch. I'm suddenly being dragged, by the hand, away from everyone.

"Where are we going?"

"I believe I owe you a first date," Hoseok spoke matter of factly, while a smile tugs my lips.

I dramatically gasp. "Ohmagawd, is BTS's mighty dancer, J-hope asking me out on a date?"

"Well, you have to say yes first," he grins.

"Then yes."

Hoseok's smile widened, and he gives me a quick peck on the lips, "Good, because we need some alone time." I smile back and let him lead the way. He put on his mask so he wouldn't be recognized, and I put on my glasses, keeping my mask in my pocket. Hoseok decided to turn it into a game; we were secret agents undercover as we walked around the market area and into the different stores. It was fun goofing around, trying on weird clothes and accessories in the stores, and just being ourselves without a care in the world.

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