Chapter 2 | Emergency ✅

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Word count: 770



Finally, after all the protests and arguments, Ethan agreed to get married.

And I'm royally pissed.

Who the fuck am I? Some hormonal teenager with a broken fucking heart? People would say I don't have one.

It pisses me off that my heart can't stay in one fucking place. It pisses me off because it's not supposed to hurt this much. It pisses me off because I'm supposed to fucking move on. And it pisses me off because she probably did not even give a shit about me.

Everyone's happy. Mother is happy. Who am I to oppose all this shit? She probably doesn't even remember me.

I have to suck it up.

Things have been busy with the whole preparations and arrangements. Dad suggested that we appoint a wedding planner, but Jasper took care of all that. And I've kept myself busy from all the distractions.

They decided to skip the engagement and go on with the wedding directly.

There are probably just a few more weeks for the wedding. And the media's very excited. More than us. This is probably the hot topic throughout the country right now.

And Ethan's been disappearing every now and then. He wasn't even there to pick out his fucking clothes.


Why do I notice things nobody does?

Well as long as he obeys everything and doesn't put up another drama, it's fine I guess.



"Babe, please stop crying. I told you it's just for a show."

"You said you love me and now you say you're getting married. What am I supposed to do? I knew your family would never accept me." Venessa continued sobbing, my girlfriend or fiancé to be accurate.

Ugh. I hate it when she cries. Especially when I'm the reason for her tears.

"Babe, who cares about my family's approval? I love you and that's all that matters. Please stop crying, stressing ain't good for the baby, love."

Yes, baby.

She's pregnant with our child! Why can't anybody understand that I can't leave the love of my life and marry someone else?!

Manwhore? Yes, I was. Am I not allowed to fall in love? Am I not supposed to want what every man wants?

"Then promise me you won't get married! Promise me, Ethan!"

"Of course, babe. I promise! You're my forever. Just you." I whisper, pressing my forehead to hers and wiping her tears away.

I have to do something. I don't give a fuck about anybody. This is my family now, her and our baby.

These people just leave me with no choice.


On The Wedding Day


Ethan's been quiet all week. He looked very depressed too. He just wouldn't open up and it's worrying me.

Avoiding looking at my face, walking away every time I approach. Does he think I'm blind?

And I have a very bad feeling about all of this.

I shove those thoughts away and proceed in making arrangements to shift to the London branch.

Maybe all this is for good. I'll get to move on from shit. New life and stuff, they say.


The wedding was planned in a grand church with all our relatives, friends, and business associates. I finally met the Ross' after years.

Me and jasper, dress in a classic black tux, the supposed best men.

And everything's set.

The wedding will begin in a few hours. Guests started filling the church. There will be an after wedding party in the evening. The only thing left now is for Ethan and her to arrive.

And then she'd become his. Forever.

Clenching my jaw, I tried not to think about shit like that.

My stuff is all ready to pack up and fly away from this hell.

I scoff at myself. What kind of pussy have I become? Running away from shit. That's how pathetic she turned me. And that's what happens when I let people in.

Maybe I am a horrible loser of a brother who cannot be happy for his goddamm big day.

Suddenly, a call interrupts my thoughts.


They were supposed to come along with Ethan, while I welcome the guests and manage things here. And they're supposed to be here by now.

What the hell?

"Dad? Everything alright? You guys arriving yet?"

"Nathan, I want you to come home immediately." Came his voice from the other side. He sounded anxious.

"Dad, is everything alright?" I try again.

"No, Nathan, please just hurry up."

"Kay, dad. I'm on my way."


The main part is yet to arrive!

I'm so excited!!

Finally, we'll meet Samantha in the next chapter!


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