Chapter 9 | Dilemma ✅

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Word count: 726

(Gets a little steamy in here guys😉)



I've been sitting on my office desk for a few hours now, but I can't seem to concentrate on the files and papers piled before me.

I'm the freaking CEO! I must finish my work!

But I just can't forget how inappropriate I behaved last night!

Yes, he's my husband but he's also the guy who hurt me. He didn't want me back then, why now?

What's he playing at?

Ugh, it's always like this with him. He keeps giving me mixed signals and then hurts me.

What do I do?


Last night

"Alright, then kiss me!"

"What?" Nathan asked, looking genuinely surprised.

Shit! Think before you blurt out!

"I-I mean, I wasn't prepared for all that um l-let's just practice, before we put on a show next time, alright?"

That was a very lame excuse, but I couldn't think of anything else at the moment.

He didn't reply. His face was blank and if I didn't know him better I'd think it didn't affect him, but the flare in his eyes and clenching his jaw shows more than he wanted me to see.

And just like that the devil in me woke up, satisfied by his reaction.

"What is it, Walker? Scared?" I smirked at him. "Scared, you'll fall for me?"

"Scared? Fall for you? I just don't think it's necessary." His voice was monotonous and his face was clear of any emotion. Not even annoyance.

But Baby couldn't stop his face from flushing pink.

"Oh but it's very important, darling," I said stepping towards him.

It's like we're back to those old days, teasing each other. And seeing him nervous always turned out interesting. Cause those scenarios are pretty rare so I might as well take advantage of them.

How did the tables turn in an instant? I'm a genius!

"S-Stay right where you are, Samantha." He warned me.

But me being my usual self, did the opposite. I stepped even closer and his back hit the wall.

"Come on, Walker. Just one kiss. It means nothing."

I trapped him, placing my hands each beside him. I was short, so my hands were beside his chest, and I had to peek up at him.

Something rational in me said I'd regret this and am stupid, but the perverse side of me was pretty happy with the outcome.

His eyes dilated, adam's apple bobbing as he gulped, fingers fisted, not sure if he should push me away or pull me closer. Nice.

I slowly got on my toes, my torso pressing against his.

God, I just felt his man gun pressing against me.

I don't know what got into me, but I had this great urge to press my lips onto his, and I did the same.

It was just a simple act, but the burst of emotions was tremendous. It's been so damn long. So damn fucking long. And I missed him. Not even gonna lie.

I don't care if he didn't even think of me all these years, but I did and he smells the same. Maybe more manly.

Heat flared in my lower pelvic, heart fluttering as he takes over, pressing his soft full lips hard against mine.

The entire room seemed small and I could only focus on my lips moving against his.

But things turned out more hot as he groaned softly, switching positions. My back pressed against the wall as he towered me. He kissed me back, nibbling onto my lips, one hand caressing my neck while the other rested on my hip. Then I returned the favor, my hands urging to grab on the mop of his hair. A soft moan escaped my lips as his tongue plunged into-



Ugh. Why didn't he push me away? Though I'm glad he didn't...

But it was still very humiliating how wanton and hot I got just by making out. Maybe it's just him...ugh.

No no no. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him.

I should hate him.

Ughh! I don't even understand anymore! I'm supposed to hate him after all that he's done, not the opposite...



They finally had a mutual kiss!

Wait for more drama to unfold!

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