Chapter 18 | In vain✅

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Word count: 683



I didn't know how long I've been out or when I regained my consciousness.

I groaned, blinking my eyes against the feeling of dizziness taking over.

Slowly adjusting my eyes in the dark surrounding, I open my eyes.

The dim light in the dark seemed familiar.


It's the creepy room in the fucking bar.

Sharp zaps of pain course through my head as I wince.

What the fuck.

And then I realized I was in the same situation as Venesa.

My hands and legs were tied to the rusty old chair.

No. No. No.

This was not supposed to happen.

I try to remember how I ended up here.

The last thing I remember was confronting that bitch Tessa.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Walker, but I can't lose my job."

"Fuck, mom. You're not so useless after all."


That's right.

Did I just remember him calling her, mom?

And the sudden realization fell in place at why she tried hiding the footage and God knows what other information.

She's been trying to protect her son all along.

That creepy kidnapping son of bitch.

Now that I know the truth, I have to get out of this place.

I just hope Venesa reached home safe.

And maybe they are already searching for me.

I don't have any track of time and day in this ugly room.

My thoughts were cut off when I heard the metal door creaking open.

"Where is Venesa?" He sneered as soon as saw me awake, which was pretty scary.

I simply replied with a small shrug. I know I'm pissing him off so much, but I can't help it. Force of habit.

"You are going to tell where the bitch is or you gonna pay." I tried not to flinch at his menacing tone.

"Dude, you're barking at the wrong tree. I have no idea where she is." My voice was surprisingly calm.

He remained silent for a moment, watching me closely.

"Are you that stupid?" He laughed his evil villain laugh.

"I've been preparing for this for years. Years!" His voice rising with each word. "And you think you can come and ruin it all?!" By now he was screaming, his eyes wide like a maniac.

I gulped and tried getting my fear under control.

"She is a whore! And she deserves to be treated like one! But ruined it all!"


He seemed to become madder by the minute.

I can't let that happen.

"What do you mean?" My voice was small.

Maybe talking can convince him to stay less mad?

"Oh stop pretending, you don't know! Everybody knows! Her asshole boyfriend knows!"



"Knows what?"

"That she's a whore and a lying bitch!"

I opened my mouth, an involuntary defense coming out before he continued,

"And she's mine! Always was! Until that freak came in!"

"Venesa was your girlfriend?"

"Venesa is my girlfriend."

"I called her a whore?"

"Oh that she is." Clear anger flushing in his face.

" misunderstood T-Tom...She's not-"

"Shut the fuck up! I know! I know the truth! You people are blind!"

Okay. He's not in the right mind to listen to anything I say.

"Alright, then why don't you get me out of these ropes and we can sit down and talk like real adults do," I said in a soft voice, trying to convince him.

But who am I kidding?

"No. No. You're gonna tell me where my whore of a girlfriend is and bring her back." His voice was alarmingly calm.

I started hyperventilating as he stepped closer,

"Listen, Tom. She's pregnant and happy. Why don't you-"

His face instantly paled and his eyes turned cold sending a violent chill through my spine.

"No! No, she's not happy! Because I'm the father of that thing in her!"



That's all for this chapter.

Dramatic much?

I was so exhausted from shopping yesterday that I couldn't do anything else other than curling on my bed.

So, what do u guys think?

Any guesses for the next chapter?

See u soon,


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