XLVI | It's not cold tonight

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Isabelle had been on two IV drips the previous night, so she was only able to get another drip at 10 pm today.

James guarded her bed the whole of last night. Tonight, he had returned to the hotel with Mrs. Williams while Sophia and her mother took over.

Isabelle was still running a fever, but she was much better and was afraid of boredom, so she requested for his phone when James left.

In the afternoon, James added an additional bed in the ward. At 11.30 pm, Sophia ran to the convenience shop to get some food while her mother laid on the other bed to sleep.

When Isabelle woke up from her afternoon nap, she wanted to find out how Alexander was doing but because of Mrs. Williams, she didn't dare to ask anyone.

After sleeping for such a long time, Isabelle was wide awake and started to play games on James's phone. Soon, she felt bored though and placed the phone down, listening to her aunt's soft breathing. Gradually she started to feel frustrated.

She held up the phone and stared at the screen for a long while before scrolling through James's contact list to find Alexander's number. She wasn't sure if he had gotten a replacement ... He was probably with his assistant... But...

Isabelle scanned through James's contact list but wasn't able to find Alexander's assistant's number. She hesitated slightly before sending a text over, [You there?]

When Alexander heard his phone ring, he tapped his cigarette lightly before glancing over at his phone screen. He was confused when he saw that it was from James, so he sent a question mark over.

She actually got a reply... Isabelle couldn't help as excitement spread across her. Since one of her hands had a needle, she could only use the other one. Biting down on her lip, she struggled to type a few words. [What are you doing now?]

When Alexander saw the reply, he frowned, sensing something wrong with James, so he sent yet another question mark over.

Isabelle looked at the two question marks he had sent her and bit her lip, wondering if it was an automated reply.

She hesitated before sending a question mark.

In the end, her reply got lost. After waiting for a long while, she still wasn't able to get a response.

Isabelle frowned, reading the short conversation repeatedly. In the end, she suddenly recalled that it was James's phone. Hurriedly, she sent another text out, [I'm Isabelle.]

Alexander held a new cigarette in his mouth. When he was about to lit it up, he heard his phone ring once again. He turned and looked at the screen: it was yet another text from James. This time, he had sent him a question mark. Internally, Alexander scolded him crazy before lighting his cigarette.

After about five minutes, his phone rang once more. Instinctively, Alexander glanced at the screen, spotting the text from James, [ I'm Isabelle.]

Alexander lifted his head up towards the second floor window, feeling warmed by her text.

Isabelle held onto the phone, focusing on the screen, waiting for a reply. In the end, the phone started to vibrate, the word "Bro" appearing on the screen.

Alexander had actually called. Isabelle used one hand to receive the call but because she was using only one hand, she accidentally hung up. She stuck her tongue out, hurriedly calling him back, but the line got cut off. She waited slightly before calling back. This time, it went through.

She was afraid that she would disrupt her aunt, so in a low voice, she called out, "Alexander?"

After feeling moody the entire day, Alexander, just hearing her call his name, felt a dark cloud lift. In a light voice, he faintly asked, "Hmm?"

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