LIII | Semi-boyfriend

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Isabelle fell into a deep sleep. The next day, when she woke up, it was close to 11 am.

The first thing she did was reach for her phone—she had four unread texts from Alexander.

[Breakfast is in the cooler box.]

[I placed the keys on the dining table.]

[If you need anything, you can call this number.]

This one also contained a string of numbers.

[If you can't find anything or don't know anything, you can ask me.]


Alexander didn't have much work the entire afternoon. When it was finally time for a meeting, he had even fallen into a daze. The night before had seemed like a dream, it was so surreal.

After enduring through the meeting, he returned to his office and reached for his phone to write Isabelle a text. [Are you awake?]

Isabelle was prepared to have the breakfast he bought. There were dough fritters in her hands, so she sent a voice message instead. She replied in a murmur, "I'm awake."

[What are you doing?]

Isabelle sent him a photo.

Alexander glanced at the familiar dining area and the breakfast he had bought earlier, his heart finally assured.

He wasn't dreaming, Isabelle and James had really divorced. She was single and living in his house....

In an instance, mixed emotions clouded his mind. He had never dared to think of entering her heart, but now, he seemed to see the light to his long wait, but he still couldn't help feeling insecure.

She was the woman he had been loving for thirteen years, one he gave up on only when he realized that she was in love with James. Now, that she no longer had anything to do with his brother, Alexander finally had the opportunity he had been waiting for. He was prepared to use his entire life to get her.

No one could know how much courage was needed to advance friendship into a relationship as any mistake would send one straight down to the dumps.

It was a gamble, and Alexander didn't have any confidence at all. Regardless, he was not willing to easily give up on her.

He had been waiting for thirteen years... Only after thirteen long years did he finally have this opportunity.

A lifetime was a long time. Even if he couldn't get her in a year, he could try for another one, or even three, or four years... Or even the next thirteen years...


"Mr. Smith, who are you talking to?"

"She's a girl."

"..." The meeting room went into silence, everyone digesting his words.

After Alexander had replied, he lifted his head to add, "I'm chasing her."

Best screen actor who had never been in a scandal was actually chasing a girl... The entire room went into a frenzy, losing the mood for a meeting in an instance. The other directors continued to ask questions, encouraged by Alexander's response.

"What kind of girl is she to be able to attract Mr Smith?"

"Mr. Smith, do you even need to chase her? I'm sure she's interested?"

Another female employee added enviously, "That girl must be pretty!"

Alexander's mood lifted, he had never expected such reactions from his staff. He had wanted to avoid the topic to return back to business, but in that instance, he seemed to have thought of something. "How do you chase a girl?"

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