Chapter 4: Pool day

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Shuichi's P.O.V

A new day, a fresh start. Recently a new area was unlocked, the pool! I know I shouldn't be enjoying anything right now and be fully focused but the pool is like those you'd find at some fancy resort it'd be really nice to finally get even just a second to be able to relax. Of course as soon as I first saw it I mentally noted any possible dangers but I suppose for now everything was alright.

Anyways, Today after breakfast we all planned to gather the things we'd need then meet up at the pool for a 'self care day' a few others called it.

Currently I was in my room searching for all of the things I'd need for today when there was a knock on my dorm room's door.

Cautiously I opened it to reveal a motivated and energetic Kaito.

"Hey sidekick! You ready? Are you excited too? Man, we totally deserve this after the stress those freakin mono things are putting us under"

Was Kaito's personality was really pushy? yes. But was it in a bad way? Not at all. He makes you feel just as motivated and prepared as himself; it's soothing to have a person around that brightens your day encouraging you to be the best you can be.

"Mhm, I'm ready. You seem to be in a very good mood today Kaito" I calmly said before turning to grab my small bag.

"You think? Eh well nothing's better than having a fun day with your good friends and taking a day off from reality right?" He flashes a friendly grin before we both turned to head out of the door.

At our arrival to the pool we were both swiftly clocked over the head with one of those metal pole things that you'd usually use to clean the pool. Both Kaito and I groaned in pain before turning to the side to find the person responsible for such actions.


I managed to see that the other guys were at the complete other side that she was in through my still spinning vision. They probably got this rule striking at them too when they first came, quite literally.

"What the actual fuck Tenko? We aren't that bad we know how to be decent human beings!"
Kaito yelled.

"Tenko that was too harsh!" I half shouted and mumbled awkwardly.

"You never know what you degenerates are capable of, I gotta make sure my amazing other female friends are comfortable and safe" She pouted then stormed off.

Everyone was dressed in swimsuits matched to their interests, already swimming or relaxing on a chair.

What caught my attention immediately was Miu latched onto Kiibo, shouting something along the lines of 'let me see how you function under the water' but of course being said more maniacally. It is Miu we're talking about here after all.

I averted my eyes from the situation. Poor kiibo but I'm not interfering with Miu and her obsession with inventions I had already been attacked once today.

I noticed Kaito staring with a faint blush and I followed the direction his stare was in. I noticed Maki grabbing onto her pigtail, standing far at the side in her black and red bikini obviously feeling like an outsider due to everyone else having at least one friend they were deeply connected with... in a way my entire life could relate to her...

Back to the situation at hand I gave a faint smirk and poked Kaito "does someone have a crushhhh~" I playfully asked.

"N-no! What the hell are you talking about sidekick!? A-anyways if we're accusing people of crushes.. l-look who just entered the building!" His statement confused me until I saw who it was.


She was dressed in a purple/pink coloured bikini with little black music notes similar to the ones on her skirt but her hair was kept the same and she looked just as cheery as always minus that one time I saw her cry. I quickly pulled my hat more over my face as it began to burn. Before you ask, yes I have my hat even here at the pool.. I'm just not going swimming alright!? But that's not the important part of right now-

"Kaito... that's not how it is" I quietly but harshly denied.

"Alright , whatever you say. Let that be a lesson don't joke about me having a crush on M-maki or else I'll just tease you alright?" I picked up on his stutter but I didn't feel like having more humiliation in my favour so it was left unmentioned.


He rested his hand on top of my head as if he was petting me a single time before he started to talk again "come on then.. let's enjoy ourselves today. We don't know how long this peace will last" Kaito smiled in pity at the ground.

And thus, the days most enjoyable times occurred.

I never swam once, but not many people were swimming for long either more like huddled into groups chatting and giggling over nonsense no one but ourselves could understand. It was all so happy.

Kaede and I spoke a lot growing closer, it was like another petal of a flower we called our friendship had appeared.

Suddenly the words Kaito said earlier replayed in my mind 'speaking about crushes...'

Did I like Kaede? Romantically?

My emotions and thoughts pooled in helping me come to the realisation that, honestly, I did.

I felt like I was about to cry, the best moments of my life were made here. I had a girl I liked. I had amazing friends, some that maybe in another life I'd see as even family.

Everything is so perfect but it's going to end.

(I feel like this was soft and cute I guess? UwU I'm not sure but hey it's an updateeee, it was quite difficult to write not having much motivation but my friends encourage me to write a lot so Im thankful for that XD)

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