A cursed kiss

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(I guess this was made because I haven't been able to write an actual chapter recently- so uhm here's this idea I had. it doesn't really have anything to do with this fanfic at all but hope it's enjoyable nonetheless although I do have to say it's slightly dark?)

Shuichi's P.O.V

I was no longer sure how long I had been here for.

I was simply just confused by one thing, something related to the generous 'classmate' Kaede...

I couldn't help but stand there and stare at her as she contently chatted with Maki and Himiko, it was sort of confusing but it seemed as if she was able to befriend any type of person she desired to and connected them without anyone taking a second to realise it.

"Piano girl caught your eye? Upupupu" Monokuma slyly appeared causing a startle. I can't say I wasn't used to it though this was basically his way of greeting us.

"W-what...? No that's not it..." I was able to respond quietly.

"Ah I see. So then I guess you've noticed it then nyahahah"
I glance back to the blonde girl and stare at the ghost like rope hovering above her head loosely resting around her neck.

"What is it? Why is it there? Has no one else noti-"

The bear was quick to cut off my words "one question at a time kiddo heheh. You've noticed the rope,huh? ALLOW ME TO EXPLAIN!"

"I- uhm.. go ahead, that's kind of what I wanted to know anyways..." I muttered impatiently.

"The simple explanation is that's it's her execution."

"Excuse me?" I could only ask

"The moment the two of you kiss, that rope will tighten. And. She. Will. Die." One of the robotic eyes gleamed red sending the message of evil.
"What!?" I yelled in disbelief "1. Why would we kiss anyways!? 2. What is the point of such a thing"

Monokuma let out a small sigh which didn't seem like it should be possible but looking at the whole situation I guess all logic was out of the window.
"DESPAIR IS THE REASON!" Metal claws were held up close to his face. He was genuine about that.
"Believe it or not you two are destined for this,  it wouldn't be this way if the end result wasn't in my favour."

I'm pretty sure my voice wavered but I was able to spit out the words "You're wrong. This is just cruel.. you sadistic bear-"


I guess that leads us up to the moment of now; I was currently having a conversation with Kaito

"You don't see it?"
"Hey bro, I'm not even sure I get what you're talking about there has never been anything that strange" he replied to me.

I was the only one who could see the murder weapon that followed the amazing girl I had gotten to know, and I was no where near close to solving the puzzle clouded in an eerie darkness.

"Shuichi? Helloooo, shuichi?"
I suddenly shook my head to bring my self back to reality instead of my thoughts, surprised to see that Kaede was the one to be standing with me now.

"Are you okay?" She tilted her head slightly concerned.

"Ah- uhm. Yes I'm fine sorry"
"You seem lost in thought, something troubling you~" she interrogated sweetly

"No it's nothing.."

"Ahw, I thought we had became closer recently-" she pouted "if there's something up you should be able to tell me about it"

The way she looked at me with such kindness and care made my heart beat intensely and my face warm.

"Kaede I'm sorry but I can't. It- it doesn't even make sense. It's despicable."

Things were quiet for a moment until she actually spoke up again.
"...is this about the way I'm going to die." She smiles at me with a soft but saddened expression

"Y-you know about that?"
"I guess you, myself and monokuma are the only ones who can see it. He... explained it all to me. At first I didn't understand but now I do"

She walked closer to me and held my hands lovingly

"K-Kaede what are you-"
She was quick to stop what I was saying

"I realise now that this is how it's supposed to be. Believe it or not I'm doing this because... well I love you shuichi."

I stood there in awe and disbelief while she went on further to explain
"These last few months or whatever time has really went by we've both supported and helped each other. We've shared the memories we can recall and have put trust into one another.

Now I must do this to help you one last time."

She leaned in closer but I had something that needed to be said "Kaede you can't do this- if it can be avoided why are you trying to steer into the chaos"

"As I said, it's because you mean so much to me... and now I have to protect you"

Without letting me get another word in - she closed the gap so that we kissed.

In that moment I was devastated, flustered, at peace. All at the same time.
Until her body became a lifeless corpse with a looped rope tightened at her neck, even at the very end you could tell she didn't regret anything.

I just couldn't understand.
The tears kept falling.

"Upupupu~ ahw poor boy, although it's precisely what she had explained to you. You see- kissing her may have executed her... but what you didn't know was that if that kiss wasn't to happen instead it would have been you on your deathbed"
Monokuma ended his speech with maniacal laugh

That echoed.

And echoed...



I jolted awake and looked out of my bedroom window, the sun was bright and the world was just as it should be. my breathing was the only thing irregular - panicked and quickened.

Another night yet a different story about that girl, maybe one day I'll actually find out what it means...

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