Not at Home

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I wake up to the sound of a woman screaming, and I know I'm no longer tripping.

This was real.

I was kidnapped by a crusty old man last night, and now he was going to kill me. Could that have been my best friend down there, her boyfriend? Where even was I?

I take in my surroundings, and realize that I'm on a bed, in a medium sized bedroom with a bathroom attached. The windows had bars on them, and I noticed a small lock on the bedroom door. I quickly lock it, and attempt to rip the bars off the windows, only to find that they weren't budging. I was really here, I was really going to die.

Maybe you should claw your way out, dear.

"Shut up." I mumble to Damon, the voice of wrath in my head.

Suddenly, I hear the doorknob begin to turn, but due to the lock, it wouldn't open. I expect it to be kicked in, but instead heard the jangling of keys.

"Fuck." I curse, and tears begin to well in my eyes.

"Emmie, hey. Don't be scared, okay? I came to bring you home." Noah says.

"This is NOT my home, Noah!! This isn't right and you know it!! Let me go please, please don't hurt me. I'm too young!" I bargain.

"We aren't going to kill you, we are here to protect you." He tells me.

We? So there were more of them?

"Why am I here?" I ask.

Noah smiles.

"In this family, we have a tradition. When our sons turn 20, we go out and find them a girl. You are my son Taylor's girl." He tells me.

"Oh no. Oh HELL no. I don't think so. This isn't right. Where the hell are we? Just let me leave already." I growl.

Noah frowns.

"We also have some rules. One of them is no swearing. That was very unladylike." He says.

"Rule 2, don't ask any questions. What we do is for your own good. If you don't follow these rules, there will be punishments."

I roll my eyes. This is crazy.

"Hey dad, she awake yet?" An older boy, probably around 23 peeks his head in.

"Yes, Gabe. Go get your brother. Get your mom and Lindsey as well. They need to meet the newest family member." Noah instructs.

A boy with deep brown eyes and light hair walks in. He glances at Noah, then me, and smiles.

"You're beautiful. What's her name, dad?" He asks.

"Emerald." Noah says.

"It's um.. it's Emmie." I say.

"Emerald. That's a pretty name, it's different. I really like that. But I'll call you Emmie." He says.

"Thank you." I mumble.

"I'm gonna leave you two alone now. Dinner will be ready in a few hours." Noah tells us.

"Thanks dad." Taylor says.

"Have fun, little brother." Gabe winks at Taylor.

I begin to shake. He's going to rape me. I had sex with plenty of strangers, but it was always consensual. This would not be. Taylor walks up to me, and presses his lips against mine. I try to turn away, but he forces my head right back into place.

"You belong here, Emmie. You'll see. This is the place you'll feel safest."

This Is Tradition: Emmie's story (Kidnapped By Cannibals Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora