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It had been months since the visit, and I could feel myself wearing down each day. Our little boy was kicking me with all of his might, and doing chores was becoming harder to do. Jenny and Lindsay did mostly everything because they wanted to keep me off of my feet, but I felt so helpless.

"Emmie, are you ok? Do you need some water?" Lindsay asked.

"No thank you, I think I'm-" I felt a sharp pain.

The baby was coming and Taylor was outside with the rest of the men. I let out a scream of agony, and Jenny came running to me.

"Emmie.. oh okay. Oh my. Let's get you into the bed. Come on.. you'll do fine." She reassures me.

We make our way to the guest room and I lay on my back, tears streaming down my face.

"Please get Taylor, I'm so scared." I plead.

"We can't, honey. He is outside. The best I could do is beat on the windows." Lindsay tells me.

"It's getting darker anyway, they should be in soon." Jenny says.

Minutes felt like hours until finally, we heard the door open. Lindsay ran down and before I knew it, Taylor, Noah, Gabe and Dylan were upstairs with us. The room was too crowded and I couldn't stop crying.

"Breathe Emmie, breathe." Taylor reminds me.

I felt even more pain and then, a pressure before I heard a cry.

"It's a boy." Noah says.

I smile, until I feel it again.

"Something's wrong!" I yell.

Then I hear another cry. The family all looks at each other in confusion.

"Twins.. this one is a girl." Gabe says.

This Is Tradition: Emmie's story (Kidnapped By Cannibals Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now