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"We.. the girls, they usually don't survive outside of the womb.." Taylor explains.

"She's breathing fine." I tell him.

Taylor, Noah and Gabe all head outside. I couldn't hear what they were saying, until finally, Noah comes in.

"We're letting you keep your daughter, BUT, it she dies, you will have to help bury her." He tells me.

"Thank you.." I breathe.

I have both of my babies in my arms, and they're sleeping peacefully. Taylor comes into the room, smiling.

"They need names." He reminds me.

"Mason Felix Wicox for our boy Aurora Grace Wilcox for our girl?" I suggest.

"I like Mason Felix, but I don't like Aurora Grace. We need something different." Taylor says.

"How about Mindy Grace?" I ask.

"Perfect. Mason Felix Wilcox and Mindy Grace Wilcox." Taylor replies.

Gabe and Noah were building a crib, while Dylan and Jenny scrubbed the high chairs. Lindsay was feeding Theo and Jared. Taylor takes Mason and Mindy from me.

"You two are going to be amazing when you grow up." He tells them.

I stare at my perfect family in wonder. This day could have turned out so different, and I'm blessed that they let me keep Mindy. Now, I have a son and daughter and a husband. I never thought I could ever be so happy.

"I love you, Taylor." I finally say.

"I love you, Emmie. You did great today. The future is looking so bright." Taylor replies.

The future did look bright. Emmie and Taylor went on to have one more child, a son named Elijah. Lindsay and Gabe had no more children. Dylan brought home a wife, Scarlett and they had 3 sons- Ezra, Mikey, and Edward. Jenny and Noah drifted away peacefully in their sleep together and left the house to Lindsay and Gabe.


This Is Tradition: Emmie's story (Kidnapped By Cannibals Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now