Chapter 2

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I forgot to mention in the last chapter the ages of the young ones.

Y/n was 12, Ruby was 11, and Yang was 13.

But that was before.

4 year time skip.

Female news reporter: breaking news while authorities are still trying to discover the whereabouts of the infamous Ramona torchwick. They are also trying to locate the missing people.

The camera pans out and shows a tv shack window. Outside of that window is a hooded figure looking in. It was dark so his reflection couldn't be seen.

F.N.R: this just this in, we have live footage of the creature right now from a hunter in the forever forest.

The screen turns to static but then it shows the footage of the forever fall at night and what sounds like running and panicked breathing. The hunter stops and looks around.

The sound of something moving in the trees catches his attention but just as he moves the camera a claw swipes it out of his hand. The camera falls just enough to see the hunter screaming while getting mauled by the creature.

The creature finished mauling the hunter and walked away.

The screen turns back to static.

F.N.R: citizens are warned to stay inside until the creature is caught.

The man deciding he's seen enough left.

???: phht yeah right I bet they made that video up.

He kept walking down the street until he saw a group of people fighting a girl in the middle of the street.

???: huh I should help her.......nah I'll watch.

He then walks to a near building and leans on it having a clear view of the fight. But as he was to busy watching the fight he failed to realize the bloody clawed hand reaching for him coming out of the alleyway.

???: wow I can't believe these guys are lo-

He got pulled into the hallway.

???: h-hey what's the big I-

The guy looked up and saw a bloody dear skull. He tried to scream but the creature quickly snapped his neck.

Y/n: nice......clothes.....I'll take....them.

He stripped the man of his clothes and started to devour him. When he finished he started to morph back into a human.

Y/n: that's better now time to change.

One change later.

Y/n walks out of the ally wearing the black hoodie, some jeans, a eyepatch on his right eye, a piece of cloth covering the lower part of his face, and a pair of shoes.

I'll show them.... (abused male reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now