Chapter 14

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Location: cafeteria


I set my tray of meat next to maya at out table. Camilia and ness were still getting their food. I took a sigh and looked at my food

Y/n: god...... another day of boring classes.......whyyyyyyy!

I slam my head on the table, near my food. Shortly after I felt someone rub my back.

Maya: there, there.....I don't see what you find so bad about these classes.

With my head still on the table I turn my head to look at her. With my left eye.

Y/n: in case you don't remember we have port..... the most boring teacher there is.....

Maya: well...... actually I'll give you that one.

As she was talking I saw camilia and ness coming over to us. They set their treys next to me and camilia asked. I turn my head back so my face was on the table. Right now the order we were sitting at was maya to my left, camilia to my right, and ness beside camilia.

Camilia: que le pasa?

Maya: hmm?

Camilia: what's wrong with him?

Maya: oh....he's just tired of school already.

Camilia: oh..... well that makes two of us. Don't worry.... I know how you feel.

I felt her nudge my side. I sit up straight, lower my mask, and grabbed the raw stake off my plate.

Y/n: I mean I don't get it....... *bites huge chunk out of steak* *mouth full*
.... whay do whe evehn neef to learhn thif stuff.....

Maya: y/n.... don't talk with your mouth full.

Camilia: yeah we wouldn't what you choking.

Ness: *small gasp* he can choke!?

I rolled my eyes and swallowed the food in my mouth.

Y/n: there.

Maya: better....

Camilia: now repeat what you said.

Y/n: what I said was I why do we need to learn this stuff.... I mean we are already hunters.... not the ones who fight crime but more the ones who live in the woods and hunt whatever.

Maya: well it better to have an education then none.

Camilia: yeah lo que dijo maya

Ness: yeah plus I've already become friends with your sister.

I quickly lean over to look at ness.

Y/n: which one?

Ness: ruby.

I sighed and felt my shoulders relax.

Y/n: oh thank god.

I sit back normally and look at my food. I heard both maya and camilia drinking milk. Then out of nowhere.

I'll show them.... (abused male reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now