Chapter Thirty Eight

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Carter's Point of View

I sat at the kitchen table in silence, my hands folded together. As the clock ticked and ticked, I grew more anxious. This wasn't going to work.

Yes it will!

Oh look, I'm going insane. No surprise there. I was suddenly pulled out of my daze when the timer on my phone started beeping. I quickly turned it off and stood up, making my way out the door. I walked along the vacant sidewalk in the chilly midnight air.

All I could hope was that this plan doesn't backfire on me. It took me a while to come up with this. And as I approached the bridge, I felt a whole lot more nervous than I was before. Once I made it on the bridge, I peered over the railing and stared at the ocean below. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath.

So, this will be it. If I jump, I may or may not survive. I walked further along the bridge until I made it to the middle.

"Perfect," I whispered to myself. Yeah, now I really am insane. I hoisted myself over the railing and gasped when I felt myself almost slip. "Ah, ok, ok," I repeated, trying to calm myself. It's a bit of a difficult task when I'm hanging onto the railing of a gigantic bridge.

Ok, just let go on the count of ten.

1. . .

2. . .

3. . .

4. . .

5. . .

6. . .-

Wait, did I skip a number? Maybe I should restart. And just as I was situating myself, it happened. I slipped. Just like that, in the snap of a finger. I was a goner.

As I was plummeting to my death, I found some sort of calmness. My muscles relaxed, my eyes winding shut. The impact was not at all what I expected. Instead freezing cold water, I quite frankly landed on hard wood.

I snapped my eyes opens, looking all around. Ok, all this freaky crap is really starting to get to my head. I laid there for a while, processing what just happened. While I lay in silence, I heard loud chattering coming from outside of this dark room. I placed both palms on the wooden floor and lifted my aching body off the ground.

The only light that shone through the room was coming from the door. I slowly crept closer to this light before hesitantly peeking in the hole. I saw a bunch of older men and women chatting with pitchers of beer in their hands. Intrigued and curious to where I was, I twisted the door knob and pushed it open. I stepped out of the room, listening to the noise die down.

Everyone was suddenly staring at me like I didn't belong here.

"Uh. . ." I trailed, not knowing what to say or do.

"The boy! The boy! He is walking the plank!" A grown man shouted at the top of his lungs while he ran around the room. Everyone gathered their drinks and immediately made their way out of the room.

"What boy? A plank?" I whispered to myself, confused as ever. I decided to follow everyone and see what was really going on. Appears that the man was quite literally being serious. I slowly freaked out inside, my heart nearly stopping. I'm on a ship. A stinking pirate looking ship.

"Go on, yeh lad! Go on!"

Some poked the boy with their sharp swords, pushing him further on the plank. He looked terrified, not knowing what to do. I tried to get closer to get a better look at him. And what surprised me was the fact that he looked so familiar.

"Harry?" I mumbled, my eyes widening. "Wait. . . Stop! Stop it!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, pushing past people to get to the very front. Everyone slowly came to a hush as they watched me climb the plank. "Harry," I said, staring at the curly haired man. "It's me, Carter."

"Carter?" He asked, face full of confusion. I nodded and carefully walked closer to him. "That name sounds awfully familiar," He whispered.

"Yeh both walkin the plank!" Someone shouted from behind. Then the rowdy crowd started back up again.

"Shit!" He cursed, grabbing a tight hold of my arm. I looked at the crowd before turning back to Harry.

"Grab my hand and trust me. I know you see me as a stranger, but please! Trust me on this," I pleaded. He stared at me before reluctantly taking my hand in his. I pulled him and myself off the plank, falling into this harsh waves. It took a while for me to pull my body to the surface. But when I did so, everything was sunny and calm. I looked all around me, no signs of a ship or harsh waves.

I wasn't too far from the shore, so I quickly swam until I reached the sand. I plopped my but on the soft sand and buried my face in my hands. This is so messed up.

"Get back here, sir!" Someone shouted. I lifted my head and looked over my shoulder. "This is very unprofessional for a prince!"

There I spotted a guard chasing after a figure dressed in a golden suit. The figure laughed at him before turning towards me and smiling wide.

"What is unprofessional is the fact that you cannot catch me!" He responded a little before he reached me. "Hello, miss. Are you lost?"

My dull eyes met sparkling green and I immediately thought, this won't end well.


Author's Note -

Sorry for so long. I will probably update in two weeks, right smack dab on my birthday (the 25th) but it depends because that's when my high school homecoming dance is :| woopdidoo, homecoming dance on my birthday haha

I pretty much failed at making this a good chapter... Don't mean to drop the happy mood, but I had to stop in between writing this chapter to let out all my tears so I wouldn't have a melt down during classes tomorrow. Yesterday, my dog passed away and I was really close to him. Every weekday morning, him and my mom would come in my room to wake me up and he would lay in my bed until I finally got up to change. Now I'm afraid of tomorrow, when I wake up I won't see the one I always look forward to waking up to. Everything's just so messed up. But, I'm happy he's finally in a better place where !he's able to breathe properly (he had a rapidly growing tumor that had started in August. We had no money for chemo, I mean, not that it would have helped him).

If you wanna see a picture of my dog, it's on my Instagram: @/_makayla_xx

best dog I could have ever asked for, to be honest.

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