Part #1. Holy Mother of Weeb

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So this is the first part of this story. Hope you all enjoy!


??? Third person

So... This is how I died, before I tell you about that though I should probably tell you about myself.

My name is Forest, but most of my friends call me Maple. I'm 15 and I am a huge fan of anime like Naruto, KHR, Dragon Ball, and more!

I am and I say this with no shame... Maybe a little bit of shame- a weeb, but if someone says 'you are a weeb' to me while I'm wearing a shirt with Goku on it then I simply respond '... Yeah no shit Sherlock.' and that basically ends the conversation.

Anyway, I'm getting off topic, back to how I died. So I was listening to music when I decided that I should take a walk at around midnight, so as I was walking around I saw a couple of 20-year-old hooligans cornering a woman and asking her to come with them.

When she refused they started to grab her and force her into an alley, since I'm not a terrible person I ran over to see if I could help. When I got there they were starting to tear her clothes when I decided to grab a lid from a nearby trashcan and casually yeet it at one of the hooligans, I hit the hooligan on the head and ran at him before shoving him into his buddy.

Once I did that I grabbed the woman and tried to push her out of the alley, luckily she started running once I pushed her. But now I realize that I'm a fragile teenager up against two adults who are a lot heavier then me.

So I try to run, but before I can I get stabbed in the leg by the hooligan who had a knife in his pockets. So I naturally scream in pain and try to limp away from them, I managed to get out of the alley before collapsing but the two men and over to me and the one who stabbed me pulled out the knife in my leg which made me scream.

The second hooligan pulled out another knife and they started to stab me, but thank God there was a nearby cop and he was talking to the lady before he heard me scream in pain, the officer yelled at them but by then I was starting to black out.

The officer told me I was going to be alright, but I knew I wasn't... I started to cry as I realize that I won't see my family and friends again.

But before my vision faded completely, I saw the woman and smiled, if I was going out, at least I was going out helping someone.


I was floating in a void until a bright pure white light blinded me, the light faded and I was floating in a white room until I fell on my butt, I looked around the room only to realize that there wasn't anything there.

I was confused and I decided to voice my opinion to the empty room.

"If this is heaven it's a bit disappointing, although if it's purgatory then it's spot on."

I hear a masculine and feminine voice chuckle at my comment, when I heard this I looked around in confusion.

??? : Over here young one

The masculine voice said, when I turned to the direction of the voice I saw two people, a man in his early twenties who had light blonde almost white hair, his hair was short and curly while his iris' were green like an old oak trees leaves in the spring, but his pupils were blue like a calm ocean while the whites of his eyes glowed.

He was wearing a white button-up shirt under a lime green sweater vest, he had brown pants and yellow and white sneakers.

The second person was a woman who had straight long black hair, she looked to be in her early twenties as well and she looked quite skinny, almost like you could see her bones under her skin, her eyes were purple but her pupils were red like a pool of blood and the whites of her eyes were black and glowing.

She was wearing a dark red shirt with dark purple lines going up her arms and creating a skull with black eyes on her chest, she had black jeans and had no shoes, over this she was wearing a torn up black cloak which had a hood, the cloak was slightly too big for her.

???: "Hello, I am Life."

The man said while looking slightly sympathetic.

???: "I am Death."

The woman said with no emotion on her face and no emotion in her voice.

"Uhhhhh... I'm Forest?"

I said, unsure what to make of this situation.

Life: "We would like to make you an offer, Forest."

"What is this offer?"

I ask curiously.

Death: "You have died at the wrong time, normally this wouldn't be a big deal but this softie wanted to give you a gift because you helped someone."

Life: "Hey!"

Life was pouting while Death looked like she wanted to sleep.

"So what's this offer?"

Life stops pouting and clears his throat

Life: "We would like to give you the option to be reincarnated into the world of one of your favorite anime with a special ability, if you do not choose this option then you shall go to heaven normally."

My eyes were widened and my mouth was wide open, "Me... In an anime... With a special ability... Yes, please!" I thought

"Yes, please!"

Death: "Very well then... Which world would you like to go to?"

"Uhhhh... I have absolutely no idea."

Life: "How about Naruto? Ninjas seem fun."

Depends on how you look at it... I thought.

"Sure, why not"

Life: "Yay! Now you shall be going to your new world in 3... 2... 1-"

As Life was about to finish saying '1', I got transported into the familiar black void and after a few seconds of waiting, I found something amazing.

A small blue hologram floating in front of me displaying the words


(I hope you all enjoyed this first chapter, and I hope that you won't find this story too bad. Anyway I believe that's all for now... See you all later Eh!)

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