Part #11. More Training.

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(Kyu: Hello everyone! I've been writing the DxD story nearly nonstop, but now I shall try writing more of the Naruto story. Anyway, hope you enjoy the story and that you all have a great day!)

[Kasai's POV]

I had started making my wooden weapons nearly half of an hour ago, I had just sharpened a stick into a makeshift sword, the part of the stick that was supposed to be the blade was basically just a thinner part of the stick, I supposed it would make do.
I had finished pushing the bark off of one side of the stick, I left the bark on the handle as it would make the sword look a little better.

After sharpening the other side of the stick, I threw observed the sword and looked at any notifications I might've got.

[Wooden Sword]
[DMG: 6]
[Durability: 40]

{A poorly crafted Wooden Sword, however it has quite a bit of Durability. It was created by: The Gamer.}

Nice! If I remember correctly, this sword does two more damage then my old spear.

[Crafting has leveled up!]

Okay, so I believe if I craft about five items, my Crafting will level up once. However I might have to craft more items as the skill levels up.
I opened my Inventory and looked at the weapons I had crafted.

Wooden Sword. {Rank: C- |DMG: 6 | Durability: 40}
Wooden Spear. {Rank: D+ | DMG: 5 | Durability: 35}
x3 Wooden Kunai. {Rank: D- | DMG: 1 | Durability: 7}

Yeah, I had made some kunai, and another spear earlier, With a skill like Spear Mastery, there's no reason for me not to use a spear.

I looked outside and saw that the sun was going to start setting soon, I thought I should resume training again, so I closed my Inventory and walked out of my room, I waved to anyone that I walked past and I soon made my way outside to the yard, I walked over to the usual dented tree and I formed a fist before throwing a right hook at the tree, I pulled my fist back and I raised my leg and kicked the side of the tree before hopping back and putting my foot down.

I stepped forward and hopped up before picking up my left leg and swinging it to hit the tree in the side, after performing a round house kick, I was interrupted from attacking any further by a "Ding!" Knowing what that sound was, I dropped my stance and looked at the screen.

[Martial Arts Mastery has leveled up!]

Nice! This will be good to level up!
I opened the description for the skill and looked at it.

[Martial Arts Mastery]
[LVL: 3]
{Increases Strength, and Dexterity by 6. When leveled up, stats increase by 2}

Sweet, so If I level it up enough, even if my Strength and Dexterity is low, I'll still be really fast and strong, this skill will be really handy in fights. I closed the screen and readied another attack, I activated Power Strike and my right fist started to glow, I threw a jab at the tree and when my hit landed, several pieces of bark flew off of the tree and onto the ground. I pulled my fist back and activated Power Strike once again, this time my left fist glowed and I threw a left hook at the tree, once again sending pieces of bark everywhere.
I followed my left hook with a roundhouse kick with my right leg, and a Power Strike enhanced right jab, I took a couple steps back, and I stepped forward before spinning on my front leg and spinning clockwise and hitting the tree with my heel. I had performed a Spinning Hook Kick, on this tree, I never had the knowledge of this move, I guess I got it from Martial Arts Mastery leveling up.

I suppose if it levels up enough, I'll gain more knowledge of martial arts moves.
I stepped back and charged up another Power Strike in my right fist, I stepped forward and pushed my fist into the Tree, once again bits of tree went flying everywhere, but this time there was another "Ding!"

[Power Strike has leveled up!]

I looked at the notification before pushing my finger against the word "Power Strike" once the word was pushed, the description of Power Strike had opened.

[Power Strike]
[LVL: 2]

{This skill increases your DMG by 9 the DMG this skill adds increased by 2 every level.}

Sweet! My skills are leveling up quickly! But, I'm beginning to wonder if I should start trying to get any Chakra related skills, that sounds like a good idea considering most of the battles fought in this world used Chakra.
So I think I'll train a bit more in my normal combat skills, before I move onto Chakra.

I opened my Inventory and brought out my sword, I held it with both of my hands before bringing it to my right side and swinging it horizontally, the blade of the sword hit the tree with a "Thunk!" And I pulled the weapon back before swinging at the tree continuously, after swinging for around five minutes, I had gotten yet another notification.

[NEW SKILL ALERT: "Sword Mastery"]

[This skill increases your DMG by 4 when using swords]
{This skill indicates that you have begun training as a swordsman, the weapon in your hand starts to become more comfortable as your familiarity of a sword grows.}

Wow, what a description, how come the System never put this much thought in the other skills? Meh, a question for another time.
I brought my sword back and activated Power Strike, the blade of my wooden sword begun to glow and I swung the sword at the tree, this attack had actually cut the tree a little.

I threw my sword into my Inventory and pulled out one of my wooden kunai, I held it by its handle and I threw it at the tree, this failed horribly as the kunai spun and hit the tree with its side, that was... Unfortunate, but I picked up the kunai and continued to throw it, and fail, this cycle repeated for five minutes, although it felt like ten.

But soon I had reached my goal.

[NEW SKILL ALERT: "Projectile Mastery"]

[This skill increases your DMG by 1, and your aim by 5% when using projectiles]
{You have picked up a knife and thrown it, this failed horribly but with enough practice, you'll be able to hit a fly from 50 yards away}

That's uhhh... Kinda weird, the system is giving me advice? I don't know, but anyway after closing the notification I threw the kunai back into my Inventory and I walked inside, now was the time to practice Chakra.
I stepped into my room and closed the door behind me, I sat on my bed and crossed my legs, I put my hands together and formed the Tora (Tiger) hand seal, I tried concentrating, but I had activated Meditation, luckily for me, this actually helped as I could slowly start to feel the source of my Chakra, I could feel the Chakra in my stomach, but I couldn't feel any Chakra anywhere else, but luckily, this was enough to get what I wanted.

[You have unlocked "Chakra Control"]
[Current Control: 1%]

{You have begun utilizing the primary way a Shinobi fights. With this skill, you may monitor how much control you have of your Chakra.}

Okay then, so now I'll be able to start doing the even cooler stuff, like walking on the ceiling like Spider-Man, or launching fireballs out of my mouth. But I'm probably a long way off from that, for now I should just stick to trying to stick to walls and stuff.

I got off of my bed and looked out of my window, the sun had set and I decided that it was time to sleep, I climbed back onto my bed and pulled the covers over me, I had drifted to sleep almost immediately.

(Kyu: And there we go! Another part done! I hope you all enjoyed it and I also hope you are all having a great day!)

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