Part #13. Fighting a Bear.

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[Kasai's POV]

As my day at the Academy ended, I decided to take a bit of a detour back to the forest to find some more mobs. It took about fifteen minutes before I ended up at the gates. I walked out while the guards were busy playing some card game... I think it was Poker.

I approached the forest and walked inside, the forest was quite peaceful, if you ignored the pack of wolves I know for a fact is in here.

"Inventory." I said, and the familiar screen popped up.

Wooden Sword. {Rank: D+ |DMG: 6 | Durability: 40}
x3 Wooden Kunai. {Rank: D- | DMG: 1 | Durability: 7}

I grabbed a Wooden Kunai, and the Wooden Sword out of the Inventory. I closed the screen as I heard various noises. I turned my head to where I heard a bush rustling, and out came a bear.
I turned around to see another bush rustling, and two grey furred wolves walked out, I looked to the left of the wolf bush and I saw a squirrel climbing down a tree. It wasn't a threat, it just looked kinda cute.

{You have wandered into a territory dispute between a family of bears, and a pack of wolves. Come out on top and establish that this is your turf.}

|Rewards: 220 EXP, Uncommon Item, Skill Book |
|Failure: Brutal Death |

I accepted the quest and held my Wooden Kunai in a reverse grip, and Observed my opponents.

[Gray Wolf] [LVL: 3]
HP: {35/35}

[Gray Wolf] [LVL: 4]
HP: {45/45}

[Grizzly Bear] [LVL: 7]
HP: {75/75}

Okay, this might get pretty dangerous. But I'll find out a way to handle it. That seems to be what always happens.

I widened my stance before lunging at the Level Three Wolf, who I shall call Throlf, because I can.

I started off with holding the Wooden Start behind my back and activating Power Strike, I poured more CP into it, making the yellow glow of the blade brighter. I swung the Wooden Sword, leaving a trail of yellow energy as the blade crashed into Throlf's head.

[-20 CP]

[Wooden Sword + Power Strike + Mastery + Extra CP + Strength Stat = 25 DMG dealt]

Okay... So at the cost of an extra five MP, it increases the damage by two. I can make that work.
I raised my left hand which held the Wooden Kunai, I brought the Kunai down upon Throlf. I applied a normal Power Strike on the Wooden Kunai and I brought the weapon downwards, the wooden blade broke a couple layers of skin underneath the wolf's fur.

[15 DMG dealt]

Throlf went limp and turned into a few Items on the ground. I had finished the first enemy.

I looked at my health and mana quickly.

HP: {110/110} | CP: {80/110}

Okay, so I've beaten one wolf with two hits, this feels likes it's going well.

I turned around to face my next enemy, when the Grizzly Bear swung it's tree trunk-like arm at me, I got hit hard and flew towards a tree, I hit my back against the tree and dropped down onto my feet.

[-20 HP]

Oh no, that Bear is strong... I shall call him Grizzle!
I looked up to see the Level Four Wolf (who shall be named Fuzzyface) leaping at me with it's jaws open and ready for ripping me to shreds.
I raised my knee and hit Fuzzyface in the chin, causing his jaws to snap shut. I took this opportunity to raise my Wooden Sword up into the sky, and charge it up with a Power Strike, I enhanced it with fifteen CP, and slammed it down on top of Fuzzyface's head.

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