Chapter 4

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Once we got back to my house, I invited Daniel to have a coffee to thank him for helping me this morning. He sat down on the couch and I made my way to the kitchen. My eyes fell on the clock.. Shoot! I need to be at school in an hour... While the coffee was made I started on some lunch.

"Do you want some lunch?" I asked from the kitchen, as I easily can make some as well for him.

"Yeah, sure!" He walked in the kitchen and sat down at the table, while I continued to make us a few sandwiches. "Your house is cute, by the way!"

"Thanks! I tried.." I chuckled slightly. "My sister is more the interior person in my family." He laughed softly and I placed the mugs filled with coffee on the table, then grabbing the plate with sandwiches along with two other plates placing them on the table as well. Right then my phone beeped. I took a quick glance at it, seeing it was my sister.

And? Is it broken? I grabbed my phone, apologizing to Daniel.

Yeah, it is.. How convenient 🙃☺️

"It's my sister.. She broke her left ankle two weeks ago, also while running." He laughed and shook his head.

"It runs in the family then..." I laughed and nodded, as I just had taken a bite from my sandwich. "How did you get into watching Formula 1?" He asked, before propping the last piece of his sandwich in his mouth.

"My dad watched it before my sister and I were born, from a young age I just watched with him and the sport grew on me." He nodded. I placed the plates and mugs on the counter and checked the time. Half an hour. Normally, walking to school takes about 15 minutes, so I guess now it will take about twenty or twenty-five. "Sorry, but I need to get going now... I need to teach in half an hour."

"No problem! Will you be fine on your way there?" I nodded.

"Yeah, I think I will be and I'm sure you have things you need to do back home." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Not necessarily.." He smiled as I swung my bag over my shoulders. Together we walked out of the door and I locked it. "I guess I'll see you around?" He scraped the back of his head slightly.

"Yeah, I'm sure you will!" We parted our ways. He went left, the direction of the park and I went left, making my way to school and starting my first class when the bell rang.

Finally, the last period ended. I sat down in my chair, laying my head in my arms while putting them on my desk. Even though it were only four periods, I was exhausted. The pills were working of, which meant my headache came back. Luckily, the dizziness was gone. A hand touched my shoulder, making me turn my head. It was Devan.

"Are you okay? Dad texted me about what happened.." I nodded.

"Yeah, my headache is just playing up again and I'm really tired." He sat down on my desk.

"How did you get here? Because my dad is going to pick me up and I can ask him if he wants to drop you off too." I shook my head.

"That's very sweet, but your dad has helped me already so much today, I don't want him to think I rely on other people to much." Devan grabbed my hands.

"He won't think that! And besides, you were nearly sleeping when I walked in!" Okay, he's right about the latter. His phone beeped and he looked at the notification. "It's dad, he's at the parking." I sighed. I'm not going to win this, am I? As I was grabbing my bag from the floor and swinging it over my shoulders again, Devan grabbed my crutches and handed them to me.

"Thanks!" We started to make our way to the parking of the school.

"Oh, I was thinking..maybe it's easier for me to come to yours tomorrow, because of your foot." He held the door open for me and the sun instantly hit our faces.

"Yeah, that's fine by me. I'll text you my adres so you don't have to memorize the way during the car ride." He laughed and he opened the door of the passengers seat.

"Hey, dad, can you maybe give miss [L/N] a ride home? She's really tired." Daniel looked over his son's shoulder at me and a smile played on his lips.

"You don't have to if you don't want to, I can also walk home." He shook his head.

"Hop in! We'll pass by your house anyway." Devan moved out of the way and helped me into the passengers seat, while he sat in the backseat. The drive to my house was short and I clumsily got out of the car.

"Thanks, Daniel, for the ride! I will find a way to repay for everything you've done for me today." He shook his head.

"Don't worry about it, [Y/N]! I'm glad I could be of help for you." I smiled at him, which he returned and I looked at Devan.

"See you tomorrow, Devan!" I said and he nodded shortly.

"See you tomorrow!" I closed the door of the car and Daniel sped away. I turned around and unlocked my front door, locking it again instantly after walking in. I'm not going to leave anyway and I don't expect any visitors, so it would just save me a lot of energy. Leaving my bag behind in the hall, I made my way to the couch and laying on it. My head hit the soft decoration pillow that my mom made for me and I fell asleep instantly.

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