Chapter 13

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"[Y/N], I think we have a problem.." Devan said as he walked into my room.

"What is it?" I asked as he sat down on my bed beside me.

"There's a last minute trip from school for a week, but it's next week..." He said, a bit of sadness in his voice.

"Oh, that's cool! Where are you going?" I asked and moved over so he could lay next to me. He cuddled into my side and layed his head on my shoulder.

"Sydney... But it means that I can't take care of you..." I wrapped my arm around him and rubbed his shoulder.

"I can ask your dad if he can help me." I said while grabbing my phone. I texted Daniel explaining the situation before turning back to Devan. "Are you excited for the trip?"

"Yeah, I am! Faya is going to be there as well so.." His eyes then widened and he clasped his hand for his mouth. Faya? Is he crushing on someone?

"Faya?" I smirked and his face turned red. "She's in your English class, right?" He nodded.

"Don't tell anyone, though! I want to ask her for a date during the trip.." He grabbed his phone and started to scroll.

"Have the two of you spoken to each other?" He nodded.

"Yeah, we've been on speaking terms for about three weeks now.."

"And you're only telling me about this now?" I said teasingly. Why didn't he tell me about this sooner?

"I just didn't want you to get excited when there's still a chance of not getting together." I nodded and he turned his phone to me, showing me a picture.

"Is that her?" He nodded and smiled. "She's cute!" My phone beeped, a text from Daniel.

Ahh, I see. I'm free the entire week, so it shouldn't be a problem. Tell Devan I will babysit you! :)

I laughed and showed Devan the text. "It's sorted, so you don't have to worry." He smiled and winked at me.

"Spending the week with dad, huh?!" I playfully pushed him.

"He's still with Valentina, so.." I shrugged my shoulders and Devan grabbed his puzzle block.

"One before dinner?" He asked and helped me when I tried to sit up. "Careful!"

"Let's make this one in a record time!" He smiled and grabbed his pen, putting the timer ready.

"3...2..1...GO!" He pressed start and we made the puzzle, not in record time, but close. Atleast we had a lot of time cracking our brains to it's limits, trying to solve the puzzle.


"Thanks!" I said as Daniel placed a glass of water on my nightstand.

"No probz!" He said and sat down on my bed. He's been here for two days already and everything is going great. "Hey, [Y/N], I was meant to talk to you about something." His expression became serious, which made me sit up in bed.

"What is it? Is everything alright?" He nodded.

"Well, it took me some time to realize but I did when you were in that accident.." What's he talking about? "I...uhh..I like you, [Y/N], and I hope that when you're back on your feet you would like to go on a date with me." He stuttered and his cheeks flushed slightly red. Wow, is he serious?

"[Y/N]?" I opened my eyes and saw Daniel standing in the doorway. "Did you have a nice dream? You were smiling a lot." He laughed. Wait, that all was just a dream? He just didn't ask me out? I nodded and shrugged it off. He doesn't have feelings for me and he's dating Valentina. I really need to get rid of these feelings. "I made you some breakfast." While he said that he placed a tray with food on my bed.

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