Chapter 12

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"I'm sorry sir, you're speaking with Doctor Hastings.. Miss [Y/N] has been involved in a bad car crash, I need you to come to the hospital as soon as you can..."

What? No no no no... This can't be happening.. No, not [Y/N]... It's my fault... If I hadn't told her about him gone she wouldn't have gone looking for him. It's my fault she got into an accident..

"Dad?" Devan grabbed my arm and had a worried look on his face. "Sir?" Came from the speaker of my phone.

"Okay, we'll be there as soon as possible." I said and hung up. I closed my eyes and let my head rest against the seat. "It's [Y/N].. She's in the hospital.. She was in an accident.." I said, a lump in my throat almost blocking my ability to speak. Devan shook his head.

"No, that... How?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know... But we need to go to the hospital now." He nodded and I started the car again. We were quiet during the drive there. Once I parked the car I noticed Devan having tears rolling down his cheek. Has he been crying the entire ride? I pulled him in my arms. "It's going to be alright, Dev, she's probably doing just fine."

"I know she's strong, but I'm just scared. I don't want to loose her." He whispered and I ran my hand through his hair. "I want to see her."

"Let's go then." We got out of the car and walked into the building. A doctor was standing in the middle of the waiting room and he walked up to us.

"Are you the family of miss [L/N]?" He asked and I nodded. 

"How is she? Can we see her?" Devan asked, talking fast.

"She's stable. She's got quite a few deep cuts due to the glass and metal from the car. Her arm is fractured, there are small fractures in her spine and she will have a concussion. We're waiting for her to wake up to see if there's more damage. She's really lucky that she doesn't have more injuries." Lucky? I didn't want her to have any injuries at all. What if she suffers from memory loss? What if she's paralyzed? "I'll lead you to her room." The doctor said and turned around, starting to walk through the halls. Devan held onto my arm tightly, both of us were silent. "This is her room." The doctor stopped walking and pointed to a door that was slightly opened. Devan and I nodded, before going inside. She looks so peaceful right now... I wish I could just hold her in my arms, tell her how much I love her and just.. Wait, love? I closed my eyes as I said down on the chair that was beside her bed. Crap, I really do love her. How did I only realize this now?

"[Y/N], please wake up.." Devan sobbed and climbed onto the bed, hugging her figure. I grabbed her hand and kissed it, finally letting the tears fall. She shouldn't be here... It's my fault that this wonderful woman is here instead of being in her own safe home... I leaned my elbow onto the bed and caressed her cheek. She's so beautiful.. If only she would be awake now, then I could tell her how much she means to me. Suddenly my hand was being squeezed and I looked at it. Was it [Y/N]?

"[Y/N]?" I squeezed her hand and a grunt came from her. Devan sat up slightly and looked at her as well. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked around for a bit.

"Where am I?" Her voice was hoarse. Maybe she needs some water? I grabbed a bottle that was standing on the table and she nodded. Devan helped her to sit up in her bed and I gave him the bottle.

"I'll go get a doctor." I said and got up, heading out to find a doctor.

Devan held me up and set the bottle to my lips, letting me drink a few sips of water. Wait, Devan?!? Oh my, he's safe!

"Devan!" I pulled him to me and pain instantly shot through my back. "Ahhhh."

"Shhh, calm down. You've got fractures in your spine." Wait, how did I get here again? Where am I even? It looks like a hospital. Where did Daniel go? "You're in the hospital. You got into an accident while you were looking for me." Devan said and placed the bottle next to the bed. "Does it hurt to sit up?" I nodded after realizing the sore pain in my back. He helped me lay down again and he laid down beside me.

"Why did you run of?" I asked and Devan sighed, closing his eyes.

"I saw Valentina doing something horrible, went to dad to tell him about it and then got into an argument with him. I just couldn't handle all the arguing from the past few weeks anymore and figured I could go to my grandparents." Why didn't he tell me about the arguments? I could've helped him. He could've come to mine...

"What did she do?" He shook his head and kept silent. I'm not going to push him right now. "You could've come to mine, you know that you're like a son to me, right?"

"I know, and you're like a mom to me." He shuffled a bit closer to me and I pressed a kiss to his head.

"I'm just glad you're safe." I said and laid my arm over his side, sort of hugging him.

"And I'm glad you're awake."

It's been a week since the car crash and I was able to go home yesterday. I still need to stay in bed for most of the days for the coming up two weeks. A knock came from the door and Devan opened the door. He's staying at mine for those two weeks, he wanted to take care of me and he wanted to be out of his dad's home for a while. I still don't know why though, but Daniel agreed with it nonetheless.

"Do you need anything?" He asked and sat down on my bed. I shook my head.

"No, I'm good." He nodded and looked at the TV where a movie was playing. "Are you done for today with school?"

"Yeah, I am." He smiled and set the other pillow against the headboard. I paused the movie and closed it. We can better watch something else as he didn't follow the first half of the movie. "This sounds cool!" He said when the cursor was on a movie.

"Okay!" I started it and he laid down against me. "You still don't want to tell me what Valentina did, do you?" I asked and turned my head to him.

"I want to, but she said she would hurt you if I told anyone." He sighed and tears were in his eyes. Oh my boy... I paused the movie and wrapped my arm around him.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?" He nodded and cuddled closer to me. "But you don't have to if you're scared for me. As long as it doesn't harm anyone else." Tears now rolled down his cheeks.

"It will hurt dad when he knows about it." He said and I wiped a few of the tears away. "I think she found out about the feelings you and dad have for each other." Wait, what.. Are my feelings that obvious? And Daniel for sure doesn't have feelings for me. "You don't have to hide your feelings for me." He smiled and I scoffed.

"Yeah, okay, but your dad doesn't have feelings for me." I said and he said up fast.

"I'm pretty sure he does. I would love to have you as my mom!" Nawhhh, he's so sweet!

"I'd love to have you as my son as well, Dev." He hugged me and we stayed like that for a few moments. Moments like this are just amazing. My body relaxed and this wave of rest washed over me.

"Shall we watch the movie now before it's too late?" He laughed as he let go off me, getting in his previous spot on the bed beside me.

"We shall!" I said and pressed play on the remote before wrapping my arms around him. During the movie my eyelids grew heavier and I couldn't fight it anymore. Devan noticed and chuckled softly.

"Goodnight [Y/N]!"

"Goodnight Devan.."

Hope you guys enjoyed reading this chapter! Don't let anyone ruin your love for fanfiction

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