Chapter 14

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The doctor had just left the room to see if the results from the tests were already clear, leaving me alone in his doctor's office. My back did get better, well, at least the pain got less over the past few days. So, I hope that results in an almost full recovery of my back so I can do the things I love again.

Daniel had returned that day he left, surprised when his parents where there to help me but when I explained that Devan send them he found it logical. He told me that his manager called, telling him there were multiple claims made against him from women and his bank account as a lot of money just had disappeared. The reason he left was that he had to take care of that. It still seems a bit unbelievable, but he was there the rest of the week and just drove me to my appointment. Also spending a lot of time to make it up to me by doing a lot of stuff together, well, for as far as I could do things. And well, maybe it is true. I mean, he is a Formula 1 driver with a lot of money, so people could try to make use of those nasty claims to get money from him.

"Okay, so, your back is almost healed. And the rest of your injuries are already healed or will be healing without any medical treatment. This means you can start living your life the way it was before the accident, but we want you to do that slowly and wear this brace the coming up three weeks to make sure that you won't hurt your back until it's fully healed." The doctor said after he had walked in again. He helped me put the brace on after showing me how to use it.

"Thank you, sir!" I said as I shook his hand and was allowed to go back to the waiting room, where Daniel was seated. He immediately stood up once he saw me walking out of the office.

"And?" He asked as we made our way back to the car. "I can slowly get back to my normal life, but I do need to wear this brace for the coming three weeks." I said showing Daniel the brace by lifting my shirt a little. He nodded and smiled.

"I'm glad you're doing better, but I'll still help you with the heavy tasks. I don't want you to get hurt on my behalf again." Again? What is he talking about?

"Again?" I asked when we sat inside the car and drove off. "Yeah, well, you got involved in that accident because of me, so.." He said while looking at me when it was safe.

"Dan, that wasn't your fault at all! You couldn't have known what would happen, neither did I." He stayed quiet and focused on the road. Is he seriously not going to talk to me? He stayed quiet until he pulled up at my house.

"[Y/N], it was my fault. Because I went to you to scream those false things about you, you went to look for Devan. If you hadn't, you wouldn't have been in that crash." He got out of the car and went to the passengers side to help me out. I waited until we were inside to continue the conversation.

"Maybe, but maybe you would be the one who was involved in a crash if I wasn't out there. Devan would be devastated if you would be involved. Maybe you don't see it, but he really loves you, Daniel. Devan and I watched a few races together and everything there was a possibility of a crash that would involve you he would get scared and hug me until a few laps after." Daniel stayed quiet for a moment and I looked him into his eyes. Is he crying? I walked over to him and carefully wrapped my arms around him.

"I didn't know that.." Daniel said softly. I guided us to my couch, still not letting go of each other. "[Y/N]?" Daniel lifted his head to look at me. "My life got so much better the day I met you." He looked at my lips and I looked at his. He leaned closer and then his phone rang. We jumped apart from each other and he picked up.

"Okay, I'll be right there!" He said and hung up. "It's my lawyer for the case about those women, they found out who was behind it. The want me to go to the police station." I nodded and he layed his hands on my shoulders. "I'll come back as soon as I'm done okay?" I nodded and he left. Oh, in about an hour Devan will be back at school from the trip. Maybe I can pick him up, well not by car but by foot. I texted Devan about it before taking a shower and getting myself some food.

"Miss [L/N]!!" Some of the students said when they got off the bus and saw me. I already had contact with the principal on when I can start again, which will be next week. They walked up to me and we chatted for a bit before they walked up to their parents or supervisors. Devan smiled and hugged me when all of them were gone.

"It's so good to see you out of bed!" He said as we started walking home. "It feels good to be out of it!" We laughed and he looked down at the ground.

"So, how was the trip?" He sighed and turned his head away. "Sorry for asking.." He shook his head. "It isn't your fault [Y/N], but it really sucked. With Faya and all.. Those stupid nightmares. I was lucky that Tyler was there, he made the trip a bit fun somehow."

"I'm glad that he was there." I said as I wrapped my arm around Devan. "Your dad went with me to the hospital today." Devan looked at me.

"He did? I didn't expect him to do that. How was the rest of the week after he returned?" He asked as we walked through the front door of my house. "It was pretty good! At first the excuse seemed a bit sketchy, but I believe him and he is actually dealing with the last bits of the case at the police station right now." Devan nodded and I grabbed some cookies and made some hot coco for us. "He spent a lot of time with me after, like we played a lot of games, watched TV together, that kinda stuff." I said as I handed Devan his mug. "Soooo, nothing special happend?" He emphasized the special. Ohh, he's talking about romantically... "Well, not really." Devan lifted his eyebrows. "We almost kissed this morning when we got back from the hospital." Dean's eyes went wide and he jumped up and down in excitement, a big smile on his face.

"You almost kissed?!" He practically yelled and I nodded. "His phone interrupted us.." I said and Devan gave me a small smile. "But at least you sort of know now that you two have feelings for each other!" Devan said and hugged me. "Then you'll be my mom!" He whisper-yelled into my ear. We stayed like for a few moments, just enjoying each other's embrace. Then a sound came from the hall. "Daniel?" He appeared in the doorway, red-eyed and dried tears on his cheek.

"I broke up with Valentina."

Okay, so a heads up, the next chapter will be a little later (I try to post a new chapter every two days) but because I have an exam this Thursday and I have huge struggles to concentrate on studying I need to make sure I write as little as possible so I can pass the test. And I won't have anymore chapters left in my drafts otherwise I would put them up, but I hope to get the next chapter up bij Thursday night or Friday.


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