Chapter 5

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"Are you sure" i asked Fatiti for the 5th time now

"Wallahi it works" she said handing me the vinegar

Since apology didn't work on him the way it works on normal people I decided to look for other alternatives to clean his shirt

"As if its made out of gold" i said scrubbing the spot as if my life depends on it

I hurried and rinsed it to see if the stain was still there,

"Thank you Fatiti" I whispered as I dried it and ironed

I kept it aside and went ahead to do my work

As usual breakfast was quiet,

I was i surprised because he ate quite a lot today,

I sneaked to set his water and pack his clothes before he finished,

Luckily he didn't ask me to stand today, maybe he is too angry about his shirt

"Whatever" i said closing the door behind me with loads of clothes on my hand,

After dinner, I decided to tell him his shirt was now clean,

I waited for him to finish eating, i was already tired of standing

"He eats like a horse" my inner voice said

I was scared to smile out so i just covered it up with a cough

He finished and I packed the dishes to the kitchen

When i went back he wasn't there so i had to meet him in his room,

As usual I knocked and waited for over 10 minutes he didn't answer and it didn't surprise me,

He speak with words not sentence,

Amla said the last time she heard his voice was 3months ago,

And if he says anything he will never repeat it,

I went in to show him the clean shirt before taking it to his closet,

"Good evening" i said even though I know I won't get a reply

I gathered all the confidence I had and went ahead to talk clearly

"I'm sorry about your shirt yesterday" i said quietly and he couldn't even raise his head to look at me

He was just starring at his phone doing what I don't know and his face was emotionless which I'm starting to get used to now because I've never seen him smiling,

"I washed it and its clean now, here it is should i hang it in your closet"

"Throw it away" he said still in his phone

"What" my inner voice said

I know I didn't hear wrongly, or maybe he was talking to his phone not me,

"Yes?" I asked just to make sure i heard him right

He was serious when he asked me to actually throw the shirt

He knew he didn't want it why didn't he ask me to throw it since?

What type of attitude is this please?

If my parents were still alive where will he even see me talk less of being rude to me,

I couldn't help but cry,

HE IS ROYALTY (AWAITING EDITING 😉)Where stories live. Discover now