Chapter 22

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Immediately we left the parlor we went to an expensive looking boutique "Wolford",

Another woman welcomed us and Mus'ain explained the event we were going to and immediately she took us to the aisle where gowns were and she chosed some for me to try on, I tried 5 but only 1 was perfect,

Another woman welcomed us and Mus'ain explained the event we were going to and immediately she took us to the aisle where gowns were and she chosed some for me to try on, I tried 5 but only 1 was perfect,

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After arguing with Mus'ain that i cant walk on heels he finally agreed for me to wear a wedge that is not so high,

We left and he decided to take me home to get dressed and he was going to go get dressed too but he's coming to pick me up in the next 30-40 minutes,

"Thank you so much for today" i said to him inside the elevator because honestly for some moments I totally forgot that i was a maid, i felt special and needed and for that i had to thank him

"Shhh" he said stopping me "You're so much more than that to me Jadwa" he smiled

"See you soon" he said before leaving

Thank God Sultan wasn't there when we entered so I hurried and went to my assigned room before looking at myself on the mirror admiring

"Is that you baby J, nahhhh you're fine" I mentally praised myself, thank God i was on my period if not i would have to ruin this make up,

I wore the gown and kept looking at myself again than I remembered i have nothing to cover my hair with, after series of thoughts and for once in my life i decided to leave it open "what is happening to me?" I asked myself but I couldn't help it because i was so excited,

About 30 minutes later as promised Mus'ain came back "Jadwa I'm back" he shouted my name from downstairs and I hurried and left the room going down but started walking slowly when i saw that sultan was standing there with him,

I could feel his eyes on me the moment i took the first stair down to the last,

Mus'ain immediately turned spraying perfume on my gown both front and back and sultan was looking at us with anger or was it disgust I don't know

I hurried and greeted him but he didn't answer and Mus'ain didn't give space for anything because immediately I greeted we left,

He came with a limo that took us to the venue I don't know but we arrived at a very large building and Mus'ain hurried and came to my side to open the door for me,

Just like in movies cameras were flashing everywhere,

"Are you also an ex student?, is this your wife? Fiancée? How was life after imperial college?" Reporters asked but he ignored and I tightened my grip on his arm and we entered inside

"Wow" i said when i saw how amazing the place looked, he took me around and we greeted some of his friends before we went to our sit and sat down,

Immediately we sat down a butler came with wine inside small wine glasses "non alcoholic wine please" Mus'ain said and the man gave us one glass each,

About 1 hour into the program i saw someone like Ayush but I looked away and when I turned again there she was holding sultan's arm laughing with other people slightly placing her head on his shoulders and up again


"Omg" I mentally said when I saw her coming down the stairs,

It took every ounce of me not to stop Mus'ain from taking her to that get together and seeing how she smile with him and how he treats her like a princess makes me so jealous,

Immediately they left my mind was in chaos and I looked for every possible solution but couldn't find any so i used the most craziest one

"Hello Ayush, I've taught about it let's go for the reunion" i said to Ayush and didn't even wait to hear her reply i disconnected the call

I hurried and dressed up and as if she was timing she came immediately i was done

"Abby" she said and i smiled weakly because

1- I hate that name and 2- i wasn't interested in her at all

"Shall we?" I asked when she kept looking at me and she nodded and we went out,

She wasn't the one driving so we both sat at the back, she was just blabbing and i had no idea what she was talking about so i asked "music?" And she said yes before playing ed sheeran photograph,

I didn't say a word to her till we got to the venue and we went down and immediately she came and held my arm but I didn't fight her I allowed it,

I was looking around for Mus'ain because he is definitely with her but I didn't see him and I looked for her also but couldn't find her,

The event started already and that was when our eyes met but she turned immediately laughing at something Mus'ain was saying to her,

I've been looking at her direction throughout the event, she was either seriously listening to whatever someone was saying on the stage, or whisper something into Mus'ain's ear and he will whisper something back to her too and they will either smile and continue listening or laugh and start talking,

After eating, i saw her whisper something to Mus'ain before she got up and went out through the back entrance so I hurried and told Ayush i was going to the men's room and left,


"The 3rd door by your right" Mus'ain described the ladies room for me when I asked him

"Or should I just take you?" He proposed but i said no and got up and left

"Subhanallah" i said immediately i came out and saw sultan standing just few feet away from the ladies room,

I didn't know what to do so I decided to walk fast and greet him and hurry back to Mus'ain

"Good evening your highness" i said and was about to walk past him when he called out my name and dragged me back

"I'm so sorry I didn't cook for you today please spare my life Wallahi Mus'ain took me out before i even stop him and I totally forgot i.." I started blurting out but what he said next made me open my eyes to look at him

"You look beautiful" he said


"You look amazing tonight"

But before i got the chance to say anything else i heard Mus'ain's voice

"Jadwa are you okay?" And immediately Sultan released my hand

"Yeah i am" i answered

"I taught you said you weren't coming?" He asked Sultan

"Ayush dragged me" Sultan replied walking back to inside

"You sure you're alright?" Mus'ain asked me again and i smiled and said yes then we went back inside,

Loud slow music was just playing and everyone was dancing,

"Do you want to dance?" Mus'ain asked and immediately I rejected

"I don't know how to"

"C'mon i will teach you" he then stood up and helped me up

We were just laughing as he taught me the steps and when the dance made me turn to sultan's direction i saw the burning look in his eyes which went in a flash because he immediately stood up and left and Ayush rushed and followed him.............

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 it's about to go down y'all I hope i get a free time to write the next chapter 😘😘

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