Bonus chapter

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Immediately we got back from London, the wedding preparations began,

All the things were left for my uncles and other members so I wasn't really involved in the process since its a family thing,

But just how its supposed to be done Sultan paid the kudin gaisuwa and Mama helped in preparing the kayan lefe,

Everything from the boxes to the things in the boxes were from dubai, she took 1 week to get the most perfect things,

Sultans step sister Aunty Hanny is in charge of the dresses I'm wearing to all the events so i spent most of the time with her choosing colors and styles,

2 weeks before the wedding we went for the pre wedding photo shoot,

The invitation cards were ready and I don't have people to invite aside from Amla and fatiti who I'm close to,

I don't even have friends but i know a miracle will happen so I'm not worried,

1 week ago....
We were sitting in mama's parlor with sultan than I decided to ask him for a favor,

"Habibi" I called and he replied "Na'am baby" dropping his phone to give me full attention

"I really need to ask you for a favor" i said smiling

"Anything for my baby"

"You know Amla and Fati?" I asked and he nodded

"You know they're the only friends i have here and the wedding is coming i wanted them to be among the brides friends but I don't know if it will be okay with you" i said pouting

He then chuckled and held my hand "baby whatever you want just do it kinji, you want them there and that is what will happen" he said and we both smiled and continued talking

The wedding is starting tomorrow and I've never been this anxious my entire life...

Everything is new to me, new family, me getting married to a prince and other things,

But I'm a very lucky person because the way my family treat me is as if i grew up here,

I was so lost in my thoughts that I forgot about what was happening around me,

"Careful Jadwa dont spoil your henna" Amla shouted holding my hand

That was when i came back to the present, i smiled and looked at the amazing job being done to my hands and legs,

We were seated in the veranda behind Sultans apartment and its actually a nice place to take a rest,

I never thought i will have such a man as my husband or such people as friends,

I didn't even know how but here i am seated there with amazing people i call friends,

Those I've met in abuja,jigawa and even fati and amla,

After washing my henna we began dressing for the bridal shower,

It was just going to be a casual shower in one ofbthe hall in the palace and sumy was incharge of it,

After taking my bath i sat down for make up

Aunty Hanny got a makeup artist from abuja and she will be in charge of all my looks throughout the wedding,

2 hours later we were all set for the shower,

We started at around 7:30 and didn't finish till 11,

It was really fun with the games, dancing and all the funny moment,

When we got back everyone was just exhausted that it didn't take us an hour to fall asleep,

HE IS ROYALTY (AWAITING EDITING 😉)Where stories live. Discover now