Chapter 11

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I didn't even know when an "ouch" escaped from my mouth but it came out like a whisper,

I didn't know where i was because whatever i was laying on was soft,

Than bam i heard Sultan's voice talking to someone and that was when realization hit me,

"Oh my God oh my God" I whispered slowly

I think i was laying down on the soft carpet on the parlor because I remembered coming to ask him what he wanted for dinner and then something happened and i fell asleep,

I opened my eyes and peeped to see him sitting on the giant sofa in the parlor,

"Am i laying on one of the sofas?" I asked myself and the answer was yes, but how

I decided to sneak out before he turns around and see that i was up

I gently tied my head tie very well because it was somehow loose revealing almost half of my hair,

"Where do you think you're going?" His voice stopped me right on my tract

"I.....i....i" I tried talking but the words got stuck

He then pointed at something but I didn't know what so I turned around and see what he was showing me I looked up and my eyes met the clock on his wall,

I didn't even know when I gasped, it was 2:30am so I've been sleeping for almost 6 hours

I didn't even know what to do because it was too late to even think about going out who am i? Who will even open the gate for me?

I turned to enter the kitchen because i was so uncomfortable with his presence,

I gently entered the kitchen and lightly hit my head on the drawers,

What were thinking 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

My stomach started growling then I remembered that i haven't eaten lunch or dinner,

Then I remembered that Sultan haven't eaten dinner again😭😭

I tried to rehearse what i will say when i get there

"Deep breaths" i said trying to calm myself down

I quietly walked back to the parlor to ask what he wanted to eat for the second time,

I met him sitting there still watching,

"Good evening" i said and no answer

"I'm sorry about what happened earlier please I didn't know what happened" no answer still

"I wanted to know what you will like to eat now" it took him minutes to look up at me,

He looked at me from head to toe then he said "I don't eat food when its past 10 and thanks to you I'm going to sleep on an empty stomach",

With that he got up and was about to go back to his room,

"Turn the socket off and for Goddess sake get something to eat you look like human bones with flesh and I don't want your death to happen in my house" with that he dashed away and I turned and looked at the mirror opposite me,

I didn't even realize I've lost so much weight and I honestly get food to eat but as they say happiness comes from peace of mind and my mind is not at peace at all so I think that's why,

I went to the kitchen and made some custard which i took small and slept right there on the kitchen floor,

I didn't even know it was morning until a loud crash woke me up from my deep slumber,

HE IS ROYALTY (AWAITING EDITING 😉)Where stories live. Discover now