Chapter 13

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I couldn't leave him in the room because of his condition so I stayed up all night without even blinking,

Mami explained to me the next morning that she didn't wake the queen up when she started sleeping because she needed to rest,

"Go and clean up kinji i know it's been a long night" Mami ordered and i nodded and left,

I decided to go to the kitchen and talk to Amla,

"Jadwa Lafiya?" She asked immediately she saw me

I explained everything to her and then i went and took my bath and changed clothes then i came back,

He was getting better which made me happy for reasons I don't know,

"Ya Allah make him feel better and I promise never to insult him behind his back whenever he scolded me" this was my prayer all the time and i can see Allah is answering it,

"Saida safe Jadwa" The Queen And Mami said to me when they were about to leave,

For 2 days now I've been sleeping in his chambers because his mother didn't want him to be alone,

"Is there anything you need your highness?" I asked him after they left and he just said no,

"Wait!" He called when i was about to leave

"Here, read it for me" he said handing me what looks like a novel

I gently collected it and sat on the floor and read about 5 pages then I turned to see him already sleeping,

So I dropped it quietly and went to sleep in his parlor,

I felt a presence that made me wake up from my sleep very frightened,

"Sannu your highness do you need anything?" I asked in a shaky voice when i saw him standing on my head

"Tea" he replied still starring at me

I nodded and walked fast to the kitchen to make the tea for him,

I picked the cup and was going to the counter when i saw a figure standing by the kitchen door which made me gasp and dropped the cup from my hand making it shatter into several pieces,

"Sorry" I whispered picking another cup again,

"He scared me damn it" i said to my self

I felt his gaze throughout but i ignored trying so hard not to look at his direction,

I picked the small tray and headed for the door,

"The tea is ready" i told him when I saw that he wasn't trying to move from the door,

He then shifted a little bit giving me enough space to go out,

I didn't even know he was following behind me till I dropped the tray on his bed side table and i heard him whispered a "thank you",

As usual I didn't know what to say after that so i just nodded nervously and was about to open the door when he asked

"Don't you know its rude to leave a thank you hanging?"

I stayed there still before I didn't know what to say to him to be honest,

I was already too nervous and he's just adding it up again,

Then i felt wild eyes starring at me so I looked up slowly and caught the look he was giving me as if he was waiting for me to say something but i have no idea what to say,

"You're welcome" he said and I looked at him immediately and put my head back down

I didn't know what he meant so i nodded again

HE IS ROYALTY (AWAITING EDITING 😉)Where stories live. Discover now