Chapter 8

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It's Wednesday and I still didn't know when we're leaving here,

I'm so lonely here and i miss Amla and I'm not really close to the maids here,

And this Haidar is not making things easy for me at all because any chance he gets he want to have a conversation with me and i always avoid him because I'm the last person he wants close to him,

Honestly he's so nice to me and he's also handsome but i know all the kindness he's showing me is out of pity,

"How's your leg" a familiar voice asked which made my heart skip a bit

"It's fine now thank you" i said packing the clothes i was folding

I heard him muttering Alhamdulillah but i hurried and left because i have nothing to say to him again

"Jadwa hurry you're leaving right now" Ammah said waking me up from sleep

It was Friday morning and i had no idea we were leaving that day so I rushed and washed my face because the cars were already ready and I don't want to be left here alone so i cleaned and wore my hijjab,

I picked my bag and went outside to meet then, 2 minutes later i saw Sultan coming out in a hurry,

We reached Zaria in the afternoon finally

"Jadwa!!!!" Amla shouted trying to suffocate me with her hug

"Um-i..can't breathe" i said tapping her shoulder

"Ouch sorry sorry" she said releasing me

Then she looked at me up and down "Ayyah Jadwa kin rame" she said with a sad look on her face

I just smiled and nodded

"I've been sick but now I'm okay"

"But why did you take so long to come back Allah I taught something happened and Mami didn't even say anything to me" she started blurting

"I didn't know too but he had to reschedule his meeting because of me" then I told her everything that happened and all the insults I received from him that day,

"Everything happening is temporary Jadwa but i know Our Allah won't watch injustice without doing anything about it" she said hugging me slowly

I didn't even know i was crying until Amla said "shhh it's okay the tears won't change anything will it?"

I said no gently and she used the hem of her shirt to clean it for me,

"Let me bring food for you kinji you look starved" she said patting my shoulder and leaving

I finished eating but Amla didn't allow me to do any work that time,

"You will serve him dinner then zamu tafi ki huta kinji"

I went inside his chambers trying to clean since we haven't been around for a while,

I was exhausted by the time I finished, it was almost dinner time so i just got his food,

When he came he just sent me away and I gladly left because I'm feeling sleepy,

"Arrange them in the closet" Sultan said as the guard handed me the shopping bags full of different types of shoes

I quietly collected them and entered his walk in closet arranging them carefully,

Only God knows when he's going to wear these shoes because there are plenty things in this place that haven't even been touched,

HE IS ROYALTY (AWAITING EDITING 😉)Where stories live. Discover now