Chapter 26

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The queen sent for me the next day and gave me some herbs for Sultan

"Jadwa I'm trusting you with this please dont let him see it" she pleaded and i just nodded my head

"In shaa Allah your majesty" I answered holding the small bag tightly

"A little will be enough in the food so it wont be obvious kin san shi he gets irritated easily"

She finished telling me all i need to know then i left,

Didi came to the house immediately i went back and I didn't know when I hugged her

"Yar Albarka kwana 2" she said holding my hands

"I heard Yarima is sick thats why i came to see him" she said sitting down

"He's upstairs why don't we go there?" I asked her but she frowned a little

"I really don't like stairs" she confessed

"I'll help you up" i said holding her hands leading her to his room

We met him laying down with a book on his hand so i left then there and went back down,

About an hour later Didi came down and was about to leave,

"Jadwa follow me i have something you're bringing back for Yarima" she called and I hurried and followed her,

Guards were following both in front and behind us

"I decided to stroll a bit my legs are getting weak" she said and I couldn't help but smile because she is old i know but she looks stronger than women of her age

We got there and she handed me a small bag but i have no idea what was inside so I collected it

"Should they escort you?" She asked pointing at the guards but i said no and headed back

"Here is the message Didi asked me to bring for you" i said to him,

He was laying down but he kept the book aside and he's on his phone now

I noticed he's a reader too because most of the time when he's doing nothing you see him with a book on his hands,

I remembered the last time he was sick and he asked me to read a book for him, the book was I interesting but I didn't get to finish it because he never asked me to read it for him again,

"Thank you" he said pointing at his drawer for me to keep it there

"Can you help me read this book before you go?" He asked and I gently came back and sat on the carpet,

he was laying with his tummy on his head using his elbows to support himself, so he was looking at me waiting for me to start so I opened the page he stopped and started reading,

About 30 minutes later he fell asleep or so I thought because immediately I stopped reading and got up to leave his voice brought me back "i am not sleeping"

So i came back and continued reading till i got tired and kept quiet

"I'm hungry" he said still with his eyes closed

"What would you like to eat your highness?" I asked and he opened his eyes to look at me

"Pancakes and milk" he said so I gently dropped the book and went to the kitchen

I poured a little bit of the herbs the queen gave me into the pancake mix and fried it pouring the milk from the fridge for him but when i took it he asked for warm milk instead,

HE IS ROYALTY (AWAITING EDITING 😉)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt