The meeting

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It was love at first sight, I remember as if it were yesterday, the first time I met Sam Alegria. I was 7 and my sister Lily was 5, we were playing out in the front yard when we saw that someone was buying the house next door. We were so excited to meet the new family and hoping they had kids that could play with us.

"Max!! Hurry up! They're almost here!" my sister Lily yells at me through my door. "I'm almost finished" I say as I was tying my shoes. These darn shoelaces, they are  so hard to tie, i miss my Velcro shoes. They were awesome, they had wheels and an awesome Cars design but my mom donated them because they didn't fit anymore. 

I can't wait to meet the new family next door I hope they have a son. I was tired of only playing girl games with Lily. She ALWAYS wanted to play dolls and I HATED dolls... okay fine they weren't that bad I kind of liked it but I wanted to run and play soccer with someone and Lily is terrible at sports. My dad used to play with me but I haven't  really seen him recently.

"Oh my gosh!! They're here!!! They're parking" Lily said as she ran up to the front window. Please be a boy please be a boy please be a boy. I see a tall man and his wife getting out of the car, they look nice; then a skinny and tall brunette gets out probably around 12 years old. I was getting disappointed that the family only had one daughter and that she was way older than us, when I suddenly saw a tiny little brunette trying to get out of the car. Wow, the girl was an angel, she was so tiny but still held her head up high when her sister talked to her, she looks to be around Lily's age and has the cutest little freckles scattered throughout her face, at that moment I fell.

I stared at her until she went inside her new house. I couldn't believe she could be so perfect. I thought all girls had cooties but this girl doesn't look like she has cooties, at least I hope she doesn't.

I want to go to her house and present myself but mom says that we can go tomorrow, that they're probably tired from their trip and it's late. I can't wait to get to know her, my angel, my freckles.

Later that night while we were having dinner I confess everything to my mom "I'm going to marry that girl" I say to her, she just laughs and told me "only time will tell sweetie, only time will tell".

Only time will tell Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon