Who are you?

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Max: 6973 Broadway street

Sam: Perfect, I'll see you guys later.

I throw my phone on the bed as I think about tonight. I keep replaying yesterday's conversation in my head.

"Oh I'm sorry I can't today, I have plans with my boyfriend".

Boyfriend. Of course she has a boyfriend, she's amazing. How could I think she's single. It caught me totally off guard yesterday I couldn't even talk and when I was finally able to I ended the conversation fast, I had to go to the gym to let out my anger.

"MAX! What are we going to cook for tonight?"

"Cook? You want us to cook? We're both terrible cooks come on Lily don't act crazy. We should order something".

"Are you crazy? Our best friend is coming over she deserves more than takeout."

I sigh thinking about the disaster my sister is going to make in the kitchen and how I'm going to have to clean it all.

"Fine let's make something, come on"

3 hours later

"Max that smells disgusting what are we doing?"

"I told you we should have ordered takeout"

Suddenly the door bell rings and I see the clock, 7:00pm. What? Already? She's outside, what am I going to do, I can't do this.

"Max can you open the door? I have to go change and get my phone to order the takeout"

I head towards the door and open it to find the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. On the other side I see Sam holding a pot of what looks like lasagna and an apple pie that looks absolutely delicious.

"Hey Max would you mind helping me?"

I finally come out of my trance and extend my arms to grab the lasagna.

"Hey Sam, you didn't have to do this"

"Oh it's fine, I know how much Lily likes my mother's lasagna and how much you like her apple pie so I decided to bring some, I hope you don't mind"

"Of course not freckles that looks amazing. And it's great thing that you thought of bringing something too, we tried to make dinner and let's says we don't have the most culinary talent"

"Hahaha yeah I can smell that" Sam says as she places the pie on the counter.

"So, where's Lily?"

"Oh, she went to go get changed she should be here any second"

Just then, Lily walked out of my guest room and screamed at the top of her lungs.

"SAAAAM!!! I can't believe it's you, I'm so excited. I missed youuuu how are you???"

"Hey Lil, everything's great, how's your foot doing? The nurse told me it was just a mild sprain"

"Yeah it's fine, always happens, I'm really bad at walking in heels. Oh my gosh is that lasagna? That looks delish thanks Sam!!"

We continued to catch up on everything that has happened in our lives since we separated. I told Sam about my company, Lily talked about her marketing career and Sam told us what it's like to be a pediatric surgeon.

"I mean it's great, I really love it. It's amazing to see how happy kids get when they start feeling better and it's incredible to think about the amount of kids you can help"

"Yeah it's sounds amazing sweets, I'm really proud of you" Lily says smiling

After a while Lily decided that it was time for alcohol. Of course Lily always thinks that alcohol is good idea, but okay I'll accept a few drinks just to make Lily happy.

And now Lily is drunk. Absolutely drunk. Sam and I laugh as we try to get her to the guest room.

"Youuu guyssss areee zheee besttt did you know ztat? I wuv you guyyyys and I know you wuvvv each other tooooo" Lily says clearly drunk.

"Okey Lil that's enough it's time to sleep" Sam says as we finally get her into the bed.

"Goodnight sis" I say as I turn of the light and close the door.

Now I'm alone with Sam, shit. We walk over to the living room and sit down facing each other.

"So the work your company does sound incredible, its so great that you got to achieve you dream of helping people internationally" Sam tells me.

"Yeah I love my job and its great because it's also flexible enough to let me have time for my sister, even more now that she needs the support".

"What do you mean?"

"Umm... well let's just say we moved back to Chicago because she needed to get away. She sort of had problems with an ex but it's really not my story to tell, I'm sure she'll tell you soon".

"Oh that's awful I hope she's alright."

"Yeah she's coping I guess"

I hear my heartbeat loudly

"So umm I was at the store the other day and I saw this I remembered you used to love that stuff and I thought it would be nice to give you some"

"What did you buyyy?" Sam asks quite excitedly

"Close you eyes and open your mouth" I say and she does as she's told. I slowly put a piece of the cotton candy in her mouth and see her open her eyes with excitement.

"COTTON CANDYYY wow I love that stuff"

"Yeah i know, you were crazy for it when we were younger"

"Thank you Max" Sam says as she gets closer to give me a hug.

"Your welcome freckles".

"Well I should get going home, thank you for everything really. I had a great time" Sam says getting up and grabbing her things.

Suddenly we heard a loud thunder and Sam jumped straight into my arms.

"Shit im sorry. Ugh I hate driving in the rain it makes me panic. I can't do this, what if I have an accident? What if I slide of the rode? What if I fall into Lake Michigan? What if..."

"Sam calm down. It's fine you can stay here if you want, it's no problem, really."

"Really? I would seriously appreciate it. I really really hate driving in rain"

"Yeah it's fine."

I get up and suddenly I remember


"What's wrong?"

"Umm it's just that well Lily is in the guest room and I only have two rooms. But don't worry you can sleep in my room and I'll sleep here on the couch"

"What? Nooo, Ill sleep on the couch, I wouldn't want to intrude".

"Nooo, no way. What if maybe we shared the bed? I mean it is big enough for the both of us. It'll be just like old times when we would all cuddle up in the same bed" I ask tentatively.

Sam sighs "Okaaay fine. Thank you Max really."

I gulp and can't help but think what the heck have I put myself into.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2020 ⏰

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