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"Well that's great mom... yeah I'll go visit next week... no mom no girlfriend... yeah I'll ask Lily if she can come too... love you too, bye." Ugh I seriously love my mom but she's getting on my last nerve about the whole girlfriend thing, everytime we speak she asks at least once if I met anyone and my answer is always the same: I don't have time for a girlfriend, I haven't met "the one", I'm not hiding anyone from you, no no girlfriend. I wish she would just back off, I mean she should cut me some slack, I'm the proud owner of a little company with a salary of $1.5 million a year... yeah maybe not so little. Anyways after I finished my studies in business I met up with a friend and began TechOne a company whose purpose is devolving new technology all while helping countries who don't have access to newer technology. I love my job and life and I wouldn't change it for anything, not even a woman... well unless that woman was Sam Alegria but that's probably impossible since we lost all touch with her. I really miss her, even though I was young when I knew her I just can't help but feel like I was truly in love with her and she's been the only girl that means that much to me, yup I'm pretty pathetic guys.

2 months ago Lily and I moved back to Chicago after some...trouble Lily had in New York, she just had to get away. My company was opening up a new building in Chicago anyways so I came along with her. She's been doing ok I guess but I'm a bit worried about her that's why I'm going to take her out for dinner tonight so she distracts herself a little... hopefully.

"Come on Lily you're taking forever to get ready! It's just dinner with your brother" I say do Lily through the bathroom door. We were going to a diner, a freaking diner and she's dressing up as if we were going to a super fancy restaurant, ugh girls.

Lily walks out of the bathroom wearing some dark jeans, a pretty shirt and ... oh no, heels. "Lily you should probably get rid of the heels, you know you can't walk in them". "Umm excuse me brother dearest I can wear whatever I want, you are so not the boss of me" Lily tells me as we exit her apartment. "Well okay but if you fall it's on you, I'm not paying your medical bill" I say trying to convince her to change, "whatever loser" she tells me while walking away.

As we reach the diner I'm feeling seriously annoyed by my sister. She's nearly fallen over 4 times and everytime she's almost fallen she grabs onto me for life. We enter the diner and sit down at a nice table and have dinner, she tells all about her new job here as a marketing consulter at some big makeup company and I tell her a little about my day. As we're exiting the diner I become distracted by something the waitress tells me and just then my sister decided she could walk alone and in less than 3 seconds she's on the floor yelling that her ankle hurts. Oh man. I go to her, lift her up and take her to my car so I can take her to the hospital, after asking Siri where the nearest hospital is I step on it.

"Turn right to arrive at the Saint Joseph's hospital" Siri says as I make the turn.

"Hurry up Max, my ankle is killing me!!! I can't believe you let me wear heels tonight. Next time please stop me"

I roll my eyes as yet again my sister blames me for her bad choices in footwear. "Come on Lily, help me get you up"

We walks towards the entrance of the hospital and a nurse comes rushing towards the screaming girl that is my sister. "What happend here miss" asks the nurse while my sister keeps screaming.

"She fell because I didn't stop her from wearing heels tonight"

"Okey dear, everything will be alright. Let me go get a doctor so they can help you out"

The nurse walks away as I sit down by the hospital bed. I hope my sister is okey and I really really hope this doesn't take too long.

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