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"Sam!!! Come on we're going over to the Harris'!!!" I hear my dad yell from downstairs as I finish tying my shoelaces. I'm wearing my prettiest dress because dad says tonight is special. Something about a promotion, whatever that is.

I run down the stairs and see my family waiting for me.

"It's about time" Molly says rolling her eyes. We walk down the street to Lily and Max's house. Their mom greets us and lets us in receiving the yummy smelling apple pie my mom made.

"Hey Sam!!!!" Lily yells at me while running down the stairs. We walk towards their play room while my parents and her mom talk and greet the other guests.

Molly also comes over with us and together the three of us play tea time. Mols teaches us how to hold the cup correctly and which fork to use, that way we can impress our parents at dinner later.

Suddenly I fell someone cover my eyes and I let out a little Yelp.
"Hey there freckles, you look very pretty tonight". I turn around  and see Max all dressed up in suit. He looks soooo cute. "Hey Max, wanna play with us?"
"Yeah, how about we add a story to it. You guys can play the three princesses and I can be your prince, you want to freckles?"

"Yes!!!!!! I want to be your princess" I say yelling in Max's face and grabbing his hand.

"Princess Lily can you pass me the sugar for my tea please"

"Well of course Princess Sam. Would you like some Princess Molly?"

"Yes I would thank you very much Princess Lily"

We kept playing for a while and then our parents called us to go to dinner. Lily and Molly went ahead but I stayed behind cleaning up our tea. I saw Max helping me on the other side of the room.

"Freckles? Can I tell you something?" I nod at Max

"You know that you'll always be my princess right? Even if we're not playing princesses and princes"

I nod my head. Of course, Max has always been my prince, even when we're not playing.

I see Max come closer to me and give me a hug. I loved Max's hugs because he so much taller than me and I can always hear his heart when he hugs me. And also everytime he does, I feel butterflies in my tummy. As he was hugging me I had the strange urge to kiss him, so I got on my tippy toes and I closed my eyes and went straight for his lips, the butterflies exploded. Just then, I heard the door open and my sister Molly yelling "Sam! Max! Come on!!! What's taking so long?" Quickly Max and I jumped apart and I felt my cheeks get all red. Molly started laughing at us and walked out the door. Max turned to me and said "Come on freckles I'm starving".

I grabbed Max's hand and we left towards the dining room where Molly was talking to our parents and they were all laughing. We finally sat down at the table and Max sat next to me never letting go of my hand. And from that moment I knew that truly Max would always be my prince.

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