Best friends forever

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I still remember when I met the dynamic duo:  Lily and Max Harris. I was 5 and we had just moved to Chicago and to say I was scared is an understatement. My older sister Molly had been telling me the whole ride over that everything would be alright that I would make friends quickly but I wasn't so sure. When we finally arrived, my parents and sister got out of the car but I just couldn't seem to get out.

"Come on Sam, you can do it I'll give you some cotton candy if you get out" Molly urged me to get out of the car. No, I just can't do it I don't know anybody here, my friends are in Texas, I forgot my favorite crayons at Sarah my best friends house... wait did she say cotton candy? "Fine I'm coming" I tell her as I walk out of the car. "There you go Sammy" my sister says as I come out with my head held high as I try to calm my fear, to my right I suddenly hear a mother yell "Max Harris you have to finish your chores before going out to play. And you too Lily!" hmm I wonder who they are. As the afternoon passes and we finish unloading and unpacking all the boxes I start to wonder about the kids that live next door, will I like them?

The next day my mom decides that it's a good idea to go present ourselves to the next door neighbors so my mom, Molly and I head over to their house. As soon as the door opens I was shocked, a boy who looked a little older than me opens the door and was covered in green paint, he looked so funny I couldn't help but laugh. When he heard my laugh he looked over at me and said "Hey there freckles I'm Max what's your name?" I hid behind my mom and she just laughed as she said "this is Sam and her sister Molly, is your mother home?" "Yeah let me go get her" Max said as he quickly ran off. Finally his mom appeared hand in hand with a little girl that was around my age and presented herself as Clara Harris and her daughter as Lily. Lily came up to me with a huge smile on her face saying "we're going to be best friends" as she grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. I laughed a little nervously but was really excited to play with my new friend. Lily took me to what seemed like a play room filled with awesome toys and barbies, she handed me a Barbie and a Ken to someone behind me. I turned around and was met with Max's beautiful green eyes staring at me. We played for a while and then Max asked if I knew how to play any sport to which I quickly responded yes. Max didn't believe me so we went outside where he gave me a soccer ball and I kicked it straight in the goal. I had been going to lessons since I can remember and I love playing soccer. Max stared at me and said "You're perfect".

From that moment Lily, Max and I became the three musketeers, never apart from eachother.

I smile remembering this moment I can't believe so much time has gone by. I recall being so sad in forth grade when Max and Lily told me they were moving to New York with their dad, we had promised we would keep in touch but unfortunately that didn't happen.

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