Not again

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I can't believe this. It's freaking Samantha Alegria, my Sam, my freckles I can't believe we found her. She looks so beautiful in her scrubs and lab coat, I feel proudness run through me, ever since we were little I always knew she would do great things. Im on a high right now, I just can't believe it... "MAX, are you listening to me?" Lily yells in my ear. "Umm what?" "I just asked you if you would mind me staying at your apartment, my building's elevator broke and I don't think I can't go up 6 flights of stairs with crutches" she tells me. "oh yeah no problem" I say as Lily makes a weird face at me. "So... Sam Alegria, she's still awesome right?" "Hahaha yeah" I say distractedly, "Yeah, So you still got a crush on her, big bro?" Lily says accusingly. Wait, what? "You knew about that?" "Of course I did you dummy, you repeatedly said you wanted to marry her" she says laughing at me. I shook my head, no way this is happening "yeah well that's over, no more crush" " You sure?" " Positive" "Well that's not what it seemed like when you were basically drooling on her in the emergency room, I think all the nurses and doctors noticed your little crush, but whatever you say big bro" Lily laughs and starts to walk away from me towards my car. I think about everything she just said but no, I can't still have a crush on Sam can I? I mean I haven't seen her in so long I don't even know her anymore... but I do, she's still the shy but head strong girl she was when we were little, always so competitive and still so very beautiful with her dark brown eyes and long darks curls and shapey body "MAX, you're out again, pay attention". Oh dear, please Lord not again. I really have to get myself back together and stop thinking about Sam.

"So you ready to leave sis?" I ask Lily finally realizing she's been waiting for me.

"Please lets go Max"

We walk towards my car and I help Lily into the seat.

"I'm really excited to get to talk with Sam again I've really missed her and I could really use a friend right now especially after the New York thing" says Lily

My body suddenly turns rigid as I think about "The New York thing" I can't believe I let that happen to Lily. If I ever see her stupid ex again I'm going to kill him. I still can't over the fact that he had been hitting her for the past year I get so angry. I'm just a horrible brother for not noticing before but now I'm going to be here for her and help her move past it, even if I end up in jail after kill that bastard and I'm...

"Max! Stop you're gripping on the steering wheel as if you were holding onto dear life, I'm fine, see? I'm safe here"

I release my extreme hold of the wheel and finally breath normally again.

"I'm sorry I haven't been the best brother lately. Or for the past year really, I should have known I could've stopped it before it went so far."

"What? Are you kidding? You've been amazing. And I'm doing fine you know, just trying to move on. And I really think that what the psychologist said is true. I need to talk about it, let it out and I really think that reconnecting with Sam will really help me.... so maybe you should call her, maybe get her to come have dinner with us or we can go ice skating like in the old times, it would be fun".

"Yeah sure, I'll call her to see when she's available and we can have dinner and maybe after you've gotten better we can go ice skating. Please take care of that foot, I really don't want to be going back to the hospital anytime soon".

"Oh, you wouldn't huh? Even if there's a totally beautiful, amazing pediatric surgeon there who could be your soulmate?"

"Shut up, would you? She's not my soulmate, I don't even know her anymore"

"Sure, whatever you say" Lily says rolling her eyes.

Oh Lord please help me.

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