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This is the revised and completed version of the book titled "The Planet of Gnumus, Gallidon" by Kenny Fyor.

All characters, settings, and storylines in this writing belong to user KennyFyor. All rights reserved. Please do not copy/steal without expressed and written permission from the owner.

The cover for this book was arranged by me, the picture however does not belong to me. I am still trying to figure out where it originates from, I may have found it on Pinterest, I do not remember. If any of you know where it originates, please let me know so I can give credit where credit is due!

Also, the songs and YouTube videos connected to this book do not belong to me.

Songs connected with this book:
-Dark Harbor by Two Steps from Hell
-Last day by Kollektiv Turmstrasse, David August revision
-Space Song by Beach House

I repeat, the cover picture and YouTube videos do not belong to me.


The origins of the 'reality' that this story takes place in (I have come to call it the "Pentaverse") actually comes from my early childhood.

I have always had a bit of a knack for drawing, and have been doodling on anything I could get my hands on since as far back as I can remember. Although aliens were never my go-to per say, I did draw several alien species that just flowed through my imagination from time to time.

About ten years ago, I was developing a simple arcade style video game in my free time based on three little babies traveling in cute little spacecrafts. I remember coming to the conclusion that what I was developing had a storyline that was much too deep to put into a simple video game, and that it all might work best as a book.

That's when I started digging though all my old childhood drawings. I decided that what I had been drawing all those years back had all belonged together in the same story: this story about these characters and their adventures with aliens through space.

Although the age of the main characters is drastically different (they aren't babies anymore!), and the title has changed several times, what you are reading is a story that has been playing on repeat in my mind since I was a young child.

Now, you get to see it all as I've seen it.

Thus, the birth of Waiting Shapeless.

I really hope you enjoyed reading this book, because I certainly enjoyed writing it.

Waiting Shapelessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें