Chapter 28. Four years ago

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(We've finally gotten past the parts I published in the older edition! That means that from here on out, all the chapters will be new to everyone; even for those of you who read the first edition! I hope you guys like it, enjoy! 😊)

Four years ago.
Hud: Pardos

"You're late." Spat the Droni, his long thin neck stretching above me as I sat down on a stool in the small room.

The room was filled with wooden stools almost as if it were a bar. But it wasn't a bar, because it had no bar—or any alcoholic beverages in sight. This observation was surprisingly disappointing for some reason, because despite the fact that I was already drunk, the scenery was making me crave a good drink. I would have to plunder the room after this meeting for something to satisfy my eternal thirst. I usually didn't stay drunk for long anyway.

"I... was a little preoccupied." I explained groggily.

"Yeah?" Continued the gross alien, his neck fluctuating with aggravation. "Busy drinking like a Lougémas. My boys followed you to make sure you would come." Growled the greasy Droni.

There were two brutes standing in the far corner of the room and I eyed them. A Stram and a Gonos. "You caught me." I said with a shrug.

"You remember falley Gifford of Jin?"

I scratched my back idly. "No. What does she look like?"

"You killed him, you idiot." Hissed the wrinkled being viciously.

"Was this your girlfriend or something?" The liquor in my bloodstream was numbing my unease. And also turning me into an idiot. I tilted my head slightly. "I'm confused. Are we here to talk about a job or your past relationships?"

"You piece of filth. You think you're here for me to hire you? You came here to die." The Droni spat, then nodded at the beings in the corner and they began to advance.

"Woah, woah." I quickly got up out of my chair and eyed the two advancing thugs closely. "You guys do understand that I was hired to kill this girlfriend of yours. You should be mad at that guy—the one that hired me. Not me. Don't shoot the messenger."

The Droni got up off of his chair and walked to the door. "Make sure he suffers a little before he dies." He said with a sneer before leaving.

Now it was just me and the two ugly guys in the room. The thugs drew closer. Looks like we're doing this I thought, feeling my head begin to clear as the alcohol slowly dissipated through my body.

I studied the two brutes. One was a ridged Gonos. His polygonal body was muscled but he was short, shorter than me at least. Not too big of a problem.

I looked the other up and down. He was a Stram, and a big one too. Possibly the biggest Hud had ever seen. His sharp face was grinning, his grimacing smile had so many teeth they almost looked to be overflowing out the corners of his mouth.

That guy might be dangerous.

I grabbed the stool I was sitting on and hurled it into the Stram's face. Then I charged at the Gonos, slamming my fist into the side of his head. His edged polygonal skull ripped the flesh of my knuckles and crippled my wrist. I cursed loudly, withdrawing my now broken hand. He grinned and swung at me, but I jumped back just in time.

Maybe the Gonos was going to be more trouble than I thought.

From the corner of my eye I saw the large Stram charge at me from the side and I quickly jumped out of the way.

Grabbing another stool, I cracked it over the head of the Stram as he passed me, then flung it at the Gonos. The Stram growled in pain with the hit and crashed down to the floor. The polygonal Gonos simply caught the flung stool, but I was expecting that. As the Gonos moved to toss the stool out of the way, I grabbed an empty mug from off the ground and launched it at his head. It unexpectedly smashed directly into his face and he howled in pain as the glass shards lacerated his sharp skin.

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