Chapter 25. Gnumus

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Byralnus: Ferionous

"So how long have you had a death laser in your face, Captain?

Bryalnus sighed. They had continued down the passage after the fight. Bai was visibly more relaxed, either from the now bright light that lit their path, or the idea that she had a walking super weapon next to her.

Though Bryalnus still worried about her. She was sure to deal with some trauma after witnessing the officers being killed by the Circuits.

Byralnus hated thinking of himself as a super weapon. He didn't like the idea of being perfectly suited for war. Bai's question annoyed him a little, although he had to admit that the question was fair.

Now in days, most of the Ferionus species weren't trained to be able to coalesce energy. The ones that could kept their coalesced energy a secret from the other species, rarely using it if at all. Byralnus had even heard a rumor that some of the younger Ferionus generations weren't even born with the potential to collect energy.

He hoped that one day the ability disappeared from the entire species completely.

"I've had it... all my life." He replied quietly. "I try not to use it." Byralnus didn't want to lie to Bai, but he also didn't want to talk about it. "I spent a lot of my past fighting... in stupid wars. I don't like that part of my past though. I try to forget about it."

Bai looked thoughtful for a moment as they trudged on through the muck. "Well... personally I'm glad you can do that. Especially back there. But... I can keep it a secret if..." She glanced over at Byralnus, "...If that's what you want?" Her voice was very sincere.

The crystal looked up at her and nodded. "I would appreciate that." He hesitated. "...It's not that I want to keep it a secret from this team. I just don't want to ever be used as a weapon like I once was. So I try to keep my past hidden."

Bai smiled kindly. "I understand Captain. I know that I'm not the most reliable when it comes to keeping my mouth shut. But I'll do my best in this case."

Byralnus chuckled. "I trust you, EkirBai"

There was a sound of fast approaching footsteps and both looked up, startled.

From around the bend ran Tyler.


Their reunion was joyous and full of tears, particularly from Tyler and Bai. Byralnus briefly scolded Tyler for her reckless actions, but ultimately he was relieved that she was found and safe. They recounted each other's stories, Bai and Byralnus left out the part about the fight and explained that they had run and did not see what had happened, only that all the Circuits had been destroyed in the loud explosion they had all heard. Tyler told them about the dead Circuit that came back to life and seemed to have been watching her.

"We need to find the Short Circuit and get out." Byralnus said resolutely. 

"No, we need to just get out or we'll end up just like those officers!" Tyler said anxiously. "I'm sick of being in this hellhole!"

"I think that we will be fine, Jacobs." Said the captain calmly.

"How can you say that, you watched them die! And they had weapons! We could all die here!"

Bai glanced at Byralnus nervously.

"Alright. We will leave. The exit is just back the way we came. I think we will be fine if we stay quiet." Said Byralnus.

Tyler was still on edge, but was reassured by the decision to immediately leave.

They traveled quietly down the passageway, heading back the way Bai and Byralnus had come from. Even though the atmosphere was much less horrifying, they still walked in relative silence, keeping their senses alert.

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