Chapter 63. Space

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Hud: Pardos

Hud boarded the Circuit ship.

It was a huge armada barge, and the ship was buzzing with Circuits zipping from corridor to corridor along the high ceiling. The ceiling was high enough that the Circuits all moved far above Hud's head. Tall as he was, he didn't even need to duck.

It was a strange thing to witness. The hallway was alive with the sounds of bustle, but if Hud didn't look up, the place looked completely empty.

His body still ached from all his broken bones and torn flesh. But he was healing fast. After the incident in the cave, he had been put into a hospital for intensive care. Fortunately, the medical field had improved exponentially since the forming of the Pentaverse. He would only be in the hospital for a few more days before the doctors would let him go.

Natilliea hummed warmly against his chest as he walked. He still had a slight limp, but he tried to ignore it.

The quick speed of his healing was also good because of his trip: the doctors wouldn't allow him to leave for Oi until he was back to regular health.

He desperately wanted to go find his baby daughter.

He meandered slowly down the pristine white hallways, wondering how they managed to keep things clean if none of them could touch the floor.

A low hanging Circuit caught Hud's eye as it rounded a distant corner. The Circuit quickly raced over to Hud's position.

"The Admiral is waiting for you, sir." Said the Circuit warmly. "Please follow me."

"Okie dokes." Said Hud awkwardly. He had no clue why Short had asked him to come here.

The Circuit moved through the hallways at a comfortable pace while Hud followed behind.

"I hope you haven't been waiting long?" Said the Circuit, more asking than stating.

"No, no. Just got here."

"Excellent." Said the Circuit gleefully.

They turned down a passage that was much less busy, and soon it was just the two of them. They turned again and stopped at a door.

"The Admiral will be in this room. Please enjoy your stay!" The Circuit pointed at the door in front of them and it opened.

Hud could only see large machines in brightly lit room, and he could hear the gentle hum of machinery.

"Thanks." Hud said as he stepped inside.

The blue plasma ceiling was not as high up as it had been in the hallway, there was a ceiling ramp that lead from the high hallway to the lower ceilinged room here. The floor of the bright room was filled with different machines and tables lined with various tools. Some of the tables had what looked like half finished inventions that Hud could not discern the purpose for.

At the far end of the room hung a Circuit with a mouth painted under it's large light eye.

The Circuit turned to look at Hud as he walked in.

"My Pardos buddy!!" Boomed the Circuit. "Hud my friend, it is so very good to see you again, this time in much less hostile circumstances."

Hud smirked at the Circuit as he approached. "They're calling you Admiral or something now. I didn't realize I was dealing with such a high ranking authority."

"The buggers. I told them to call me Papa Shorts, but they won't listen." Short said, shaking his body slightly.

"What did you call me here for, Short?" Asked Hud quizically.

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