Chapter 34. Orbiting Gnumus

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Hud: Pardos

Hud was dozing off in the embracing seat of his ship's cockpit.

He had been enjoying wasting his time while holding the Human custody. It allowed him to eat and sleep all day long. Although libations were unfortunately out of the question; his ship was dry. He would need to return to civilization if he wanted booze.

The Human Natilliea look alike had kept to herself essentially the whole time. Hud made sure she was fed, but other than that he avoided her. He noticed she seemed to enjoy talking to herself in her room. Kind of weird, but Hud wasn't one to judge a being based on their level of insanity. Everyone out there was crazy in one way or another.

His eyes lazily drifted shut. He had just finished a large meal and it was now time for another nice... long nap.

Suddenly a buzzer sounded on his dashboard.

Hud's eyes slowly opened. It sounded like a message notification.

He leaned forward to the large dash and examined the screen, reading the short message displayed from an unknown source.

His stomach flipped inside of him.


Hud sank back into his seat.

He had no clue what this was about, but possibilities and worries raced though his mind.

It was Rhaa business. He had no choice; he had to go. He had to go now.

Hud leaned forward again to the screen, clearing it of the unsettling message. He would need to return the Human. It would be too dangerous taking her to the Rhaa.

He quickly wrote up a message to the CSC ship and sent it.

What could the meeting mean? It was impossible for him to feel settled about it. Though he worked for the Rhaa, they scared him. As ironic as it sounded, the less interaction he had with the species, the better.

It wasn't long before he received a reply message.

Meet at these coordinates. Tyler Jacobs had better be unharmed.

The large Pardos punched the coordinates into his control board and stood up out of his seat to stretch. Now he would have to confront her.

Hud walked slowly over to where her room was at, making sure he made plenty of noise so that she could hear him coming. Once he reached the door he knocked.

After a quick moment the door opened, Natilliea standing on the other side.

"Yes? What is it?" Said the Human.

"Umm... I..." Hud stammered.

He pushed the thoughts of Natilliea out of his head. It was not her.

Then he swallowed hard. "I have to take you back to your ship."

The woman's face scrunched up slightly in confusion. "It's not time yet, why would you take me back early?"

"I have some... business. I need to take care of... I can't stay here any longer."

The Human frowned, still visibly confused.

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