Chapter 60. Gnumus

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Tyler: Human

Chunks of burning and shredded Circuits fell around them as Tyler stood up from the rocky ground. She watched as the enormous mechanized being slowly folded back into its original form, dropping the large Pardos onto his back in a daze.

She could feel Ishnook come back to her, her body immediately filling with courage and strength.

My lady, Said Ishnook rapidly, communicating though her mind.

"That was amazing, Ishnook" Tyler gasped, tears beginning to form in her eyes. It was over. No one else was going to die.

Feeling her pain, Ishnook fell silent for a moment. Mistress I am sorry about your friends. He apologized. They were good beings.

Tyler looked off to the other side of the cave so as to not see the crushed body of Heva and the shattered crystal shards that were once Byralnus. Her body shook in shock and she tried hard not to break down.

Jirabi and Bai had also woken up and began picking themselves off the ground as well. Ishnook must have been keeping them asleep until now.

"What...what happened??" Jirabi stammered, his voice shaky. Then, noticing Heva's crushed body laying in her own blood, he vomited.

My lady, Ishnook said again, I do not wish to detract from the severity of this situation, but I have something incredibly important to tell you.

Tyler continued to stare out across the pit of the cave. Tears were coursing down her face.

Team seven was done for now.

When I possessed Hudaryous' weapon, he continued, speaking gently, she spoke to me! The weapon spoke to me! She told me that she was Maty, your lost sister!

Tyler's eyes grew wide. "What..??" She gasped through her tears.

She said that she could tell I had come from you, and she wanted me to tell you that she loves you.

"My sister..." Tyler choked on the words, looking over to the metal object laying in the ground by the Pardos. "That is my sister??"

She ran over to the weapon and picked it up, examining it.

The thing hummed warmly.

"This... Maty is in here??"

The Pardos stirred next to her, groggily picking his bruised body off the ground. As pain swelled back into his body he cradled his broken bones tenderly, groaning and falling back to the ground.

Tyler looked at him fiercely. "What is this??" She demanded, holding the object firmly. It was humming softly in her grasp.

The Pardos looked up in a daze. "No... Natilliea. Here... Give her back to me."

"Who is Natilliea?!" She yelled at him. "Tell me now Pardos!!"

Hud looked back up at her and grimaced with pain as he pushed himself up into a sitting position. He gently leaned his back against a large bolder.

"...Why should I tell you anything?" Mumbled the Pardos.

"Back on Gnumus!" Yelled Tyler, tears still flowing down her face. "You called me Natilliea!!" She pointed at the hollow metal tube angrily. "Is this my sister??"

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