Chapter 51. Gnumus

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Tyler: Human

"Well!" Said the sly grinding voice of Arbol. The metallic monstrosity loomed over them as it sprouted up from over the dark cliff's edge, black ooze dripping from its erratic Circuit body skin. "Isn't this lovely!" It grinned.

The team precariously stumbled back away from the monster extending above them. The cave entrance they had come in from had been collapsed by the frightening creature, and the only holes leading to the safety of the outside world were small gaps in the cave's ceiling that simply illuminated the cave.

"Who are you?" Demanded Byralnus, quickly assessing their confined situation, trying to examine the room without seeming panicked.

The gigantic metal insect hissed slightly and extended towards Bryalnus. As it moved, they could see the comprising Circuit bodies shift like ripples extending through still water. "Ah, but we have met before! Don't you remember me?" Grinned the hideous creature.

The monster's face suddenly began to pull apart grotesquely as the Circuit bodies were dragged into different positions. The body of the Queen emerged from the entanglement and was drawn to the front of the split face.

"I'm the one that sent you here, remember?" Said the voice of the Circuit Queen, black ooze dripping down her body.

"Oh dear Ruolten..." Muttered Bai in disgust and horror.

Hearing the Queen's voice sent chills though Tyler's body. Everything within her was telling her to get out, but there was nowhere they could go.

The two sides of the monster's face collapsed back into one and the creature grinned.

I am not sure what we can do my lady. Whispered the voice of Ishnook. Just try to lay low; don't draw attention to yourself. And don't let him know I am with you.

"How..." Muttered Bryalnus. He was beginning to look frantic, but he tried to maintain a controlled appearance. "...Are you a spirit?"

The creature reared back and laughed, It's cackle was a grinding din that echoed horribly off the cave walls.

"A spirit??" It said with a grin. "All the same to you I suppose. No, my translucent Captain friend. I am a Bovase!"

"A Bovase..." Muttered Jirabi in the background.

Suddenly there was a little gasp from the voice of Heva. "...The invisible beings!" She muttered rapidly,

"Yes, little one." Smiled the beast wickedly.

"Everyone," The Terilli continued quickly and with a hushed voice, "there is a creature that lives on this planet that eats the invisible beings, if we c—"

A large claw of the huge creature came swiftly down, crushing the little Terilli and splattering her green hued blood across the floor.

Tyler gasped in terror. She heard Bai scream out.

"Oops." Smiled the repulsive monstrosity looming before them. "Knowledge, in the wrong hands, can be dangerous."

"NO!!" Screamed Byralnus, enraged.

Tyler watched in amazement as a crystal hood like appendage emerged from behind Byralnus' head, enfolding his head and face completely.

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