chapter 2

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My eyes opened widely as i looked eyes had tiredness hid with in them.

I must of fell asleep.

I noticed the pet that master dragged out still isnt back yet,even tho i could have only been asleep for a short period of time.

I felt bad for her,what shes induring right now.

Shes getting punished for no reason.

The cryer was shaking with fear,her hair was covering her face and her hands were set on her knees.I could see her looking back at me through her hair gap.

Us pets weren't really that social when it came to talking or making friends.

So i just sat back and exhaled.

I could tell it was dark outisde as the hole in the wall showed no sign of light.

This ment the room was pitch black.And cold,very cold.

I started fidgeting with my fingers.

Then looked up to the roof.

I wonder what i look like.

It had been so long since i looked in a mirror.

But judging by my files that were read out to me during my appointments with the pet doctors,i had Auborn hair witch i already new.

And i had bright blue eyes and had a few freckles beneath them.

I was 5'-"excuse me"whisperd a voice witch made me stop in thought.

I looked at the owner of this voice i could just see her silhouette.

"Umm i-i was wondering if i could sit here with y-you"said her worried voice.

"Uhh ok"i replied,this was very strange to me,ive never been actually spoken to by another pet before.

She huddled up against my shoulder  and began humming.

She hummed a tune that sounded very familiar.

"I'm Bernie"she whispered as she looked at me,dragging me out off my concentration.

"Uhh-i..."I froze and took a deep breath.

"I'm Violet"i turned and looked around every pet was asleep.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you Violet"she replied softly.

Her voice just below a whisper.

"Were did you come fr-"her voice cutt off by the noise off the door opening.

The room lightened up with as the door opened wide.

"Get in there"came the pet masters voice as he thrown in a pet which looked like had been the one from earlier.

Her face hit the ground as so did her delicate body.

The door slammed hard as the master shut it.

I stared at the pet as she got to her knees.

She wiped her face with her hands before her head shot over to mine.

I looked away fast trying not to draw attention.

"Take a picture it will last longer"came a dry broken voice.

I was assuming it was the pet.

I looked back at her,it seemed her face had cuts all over,and her eyes were blood shot.

She turned away and lay down in the spot she was in.

I heard her exhale before there was dead silence in the room.

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