chapter 10

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*Aces pov*

"Oh come on Ace you know we still want you around" laughed Borrows as he slapped my back in a friendly like manner.

"I don't think I'm cut out for this work anymore this is getting serious Borrows"i told him as we sat eating a little bit of lunch before we began talking once again.

"Aw you dont think it's that serious do ya"he said in hes Brooklyn accent"i-"stopped and smiled before I picked at my food not knowing what to answer.

"So what,a few blood suckers screwed around and killed a few useless defenseless pets got killed theres n'uthin we can do about it"he told me before he took a bite out of hes sandwich.

"Is that what you think Borrows?"I asked him,Borrows had a funny way of putting things.

"I dont think so,I know so Ace,come on itll all blow over sooner or later"he said as he laughed looking at me.

"Hope so because we've already lost a hundred and thirty five pets in the last month"i told him feeling tired.

He nodded sarcastically before he tapped my shoulder before standing up,I stood up with him and dusted myself of.

"Itll all blow over trust me"he smiled as turned "I'm gonna go run some errands see ya later bud"he chuckled as I nodded with a smile before he walked off.

I slowly thought before turning and walking away from the dinner table.

I began pacing back and forth in my mind about the words Borrows said.

I exhaled and walked back to my room,the journey up the long stairs felt like I had been on it for years.

I finally got to the floor and my door came to veiw as i walked over to it,i placed my hand upon the door knob of my room ready to be greeted by my pet.

I froze and exhaled before I opened the door fast to surprise her I scanned the room as my eyes suddenly locked onto her and my files that lay in her hands shock crippled through her before I questioned her actions.

"What are you doing?"I asked as i stood still the files that fell scarcely from her shaking hands as I placed my eyes upon hers.

Fear clutched every feature on her face and I wasnt gonna lie I wasnt to happy at the fact she snuck through my stuff.

"I-i-was just"she shivered her voice as she stepped back  back her body hit the table slightly as she did so.

"Violet?"i said agitatedly as I walked closer to her,I could hear her heartbeat race as I walked towards her.

Her presence stood still as she looked down,tears dripped onto the floor.

I stood in front of her and looked down,her small body looked tiny as I peered down at her.

"Viol-"i stopped myself in sentence as a very strange yet familiar yet dangerous scent arose in the air as it caught my senses.

I felt anger and pure hatred grip me and I grabbed violets head forcing her to look at me.

"No stop please"she cried heavily as she closed her eyes.

"Who was in here?"I shouted as pure disgust filled my body making me mad.

"I dont know"she cried even more,I could taste the lie pouring from her mouth.

"Dont lie to me pet!"I blurted as I was about to go crazy.

"L-Landon"she spoke the words making me release my grip on her,I studied for a minute,Landon.

That name made my whole body go into over drive with a hunger of killing a man,

Or should I say a fucking hybrid.

My eyes went back to Violets,she was frozen in pure fear and sadness.

"What did he do Violet you have to tell me"-I looked around"did he take anything did he say anything did he-touch you"i said as I looked deeply into her eyes and cupped her face in my hands eagerly.

"He-he took a f-file off your desk"she sniffled.

"Did he touch you violet you can trust me I'm your goddamm owner for crying out loud"i tried to plead with her.

I knew she was scared I would punish her if he did lay hes hands on her body but I wouldnt how does one so small and delicate have any defence over a were wolf vampire? Hes a killer,rapist,stealer,anything you name it this bastard has done and nobody can lay a finger on him,and that tears me alive.

"I-"she cried as she drew her hands to her face.

She cried and cried I exhaled and pulled her towards me,I rubbed her hair and held her close.

I closed my eyes and thought,the latest touch could mean so much to somebody who didnt give permission.

I felt her tense before she pulled away fast she wiped her tears "its nothing I'm not used to"

A file?what type if file did he take?.

I walked quickly over to my desk and searched through the papers and documents .

That's it he took it.

"Fuck"i blowed as I realized he took the one thing I needed for work tomorrow.

That son of a bitch.

That file contained all the pets who got murdered this month and I needed it for my godamm presentation tommorow.

I looked at violet she looked worried,I walked over to her"this is not your fault you cant stop him"i said emotionless angry now that the bastard took my stuff..

I quickly gathered my thoughts and aimed for the door"dont touch anything or I will hurt you"i said as I turned my head slightly before exiting my room and down the hall.

It kinda hurted me saying that but I didnt want her going through my stuff,she might not like what she finds.

I looked for room 201 that was Loreals room and I needed him more than ever at this present moment.

My blood was boiling.

I came to the door and knocked it hard,my knuckles hurt with such force.

"If its guards just break the godamm door because I ain't opening it for your sorry asses"came hes sarcastic voice.

"Open the goddamm door Loreal"annoyed I said.

"Even scarier"he said as I heard hes voice getting closer to the door.

He opened the door but it still was closed do to the chain door lock stopping it from going all the way,Loreals face popped out and he looked tired.

"Just open the door Loreal"i sighed anger creeping up on me.


"so what's the matter at hand" said Loreal as he returned with a cup of coffee for me as I sat on sofa.

My hand reached for the cup and pulled it to my lips as I gulped it down,my nerves were in a knot of rage.

Loreal sat across from me and got a sip from hes coffee also as he got comfortable.

"Landon Boulevard"i spitted with disgust,loreals eyes widened.

"What's that son of a bitch doing in this house he deserve to be hang-""yes I know loreal,the thing is he took some files of my desk and I think he touched my pet" "filthy bastard"he said disgusted and shocked.

"I dont even understand how a prick like him is still living and breathing the same air I breath,crossing the same road I cross,and walking the same path I walk" he blurted as hes eyebrows furrowed.

"I need those files for tomorrow and now I have nothing to show"i sighed

Don't be a silent reader tell me what you think love to hear your opinions!♡♡♡♡♡

Your's sincerely,dragonfly♡》

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2020 ⏰

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