chapter 5

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I opened my eyes and stretched,it felt like I had slept for days,I rubbed the crust from my tired eyes and sat up.

"violet,your awake" bernie whispered making me flinch.

"Mmm" I mumbled still tired.

"I'm gonna miss you after today" she said sadly as she looked to the floor.

"Why were am I going?" I questioned.

"Umm your getting bought?" She sounded amused,then I got flash back from yesterday and everything that happened.

I looked to the floor feeling tears swell up in my eyes.

I looked up holding them in.

Bernie rubbed my shoulder comforting me,it was nice to have a friend.

My head looked to the door as it opened fast.

I tensed as so did bernie.

Hes eyes scanned the room before landing on me,no god please,don't do this.

I burst out crying,it wasn't ready for this," please " I pleaded as I sobbed.

"You" he said as he marched towards me,my heart pounding my face wet with tears my body shivering.

I clenched my eyes as I felt a hand grab my collar.

I went limb,scared,shocked I felt my body shut down as I felt my body being dragged away from bernie I felt hazy,I saw Bernies hand reach for me before my eyesight went blurry.

I blacked out.

I awoken to notice I was back in the cement room.

What happened?

I turned and saw all the pets staring at me.

I looked around for bernie,my eyes not catching hers,I went worried.

Wet droplets slid down my body.

the pet master washed me?,I must of been out along time.

But we're is Bernie?!

"We'res Bernie?!" I shouted to the room of lifeless pets.

None of them answering making me more scared worried and agitated.

"WE'RE IS SHE?!" I cried.

"Somebody please" I sobbed as I crawled around the room looking at each individual pet.

There faces frozen,it was like they weren't aloud talk.

"Please anybody tell me!" My sobs grew louder,my heart pounding in my chest.

I lay my head against the floor in the middle of the room and began crying endessly it felt like my heart was torn in peaces.

My sobs stopped when I heard the door unlocking.

My eyes looked upon what looked like a lifeless bruised pale Bernie.

I froze as I saw her body being thrown into the room,the door shut coldly.

I quickly crawled over to my friend, cuts bruises stained her once lovely features.

" w-what happened" I questioned as I lay her head on my lap as I sat down.

She looked into my eyes as she spoke
" I tried to save you when you were getting pulled away,and well.." she froze and began crying,she looked to her messed up ragedy shorts that wasn't zipped up.

"he beat m-e and d-id things to me " she cried heavily,I felt tears run down my face as she spoke,this was my fault.

She got hurt because off me.

I wanted to kill my self there and then

"Hey don't t-think it's your fault,I was the one who reached out to save you I was risking there for it is my own fault" she tried to smile but her cut dried lips hurt her as she did.

God no,why have you done this.

I kissed her forehead gently and pulled her up more on my lap.

The door unlocked again and this time rage rumbled through my body.

I layed Bernies head gently on the ground and sat up revealing Ace?

It's not three a.m? Is it?

"There you are"he mumbled looking straight at me.

I began trembling like a leaf.

He walked towards me making me burst into tears I sobbed loud enough for everyone to hear,to hear my cries this was the day that I'll never return back,today is the day my life will end soon.

I spotted the blue lead in hes hand as he began walking towards me,it swayed side to side.

He stood in front of bernie,he looked at me before he walked around her, he never even looked at her, it was like she was nothing,like she didn't exist.

"Please don't" I cried as I looked down to the floor,my hair fell over my face,covering it as I looked to the cement.

I heard him bend down before i felt a large hand on my shoulder making flinch fastly,I looked at him threw teary eyes as he hooked the lead onto my collar.

He pulled the hair away from my neck,I began shaking and praying.

He leaned closely in,making me breath loudly,gasping for air as to of being so terrified of this vampire.

He sniffed the skin on my neck before he leaned out and stood up.

Breathed in and exhaled before cupping Bernies face before I felt a tug on my leash.

"No,No Dont leave me!" Bernie screamed with all her power,I watched tears fall from her blood shot eyes.

I cried heavily before the tug was harder.

It hurted,like hell.

My heart shattered in peaces as I felt a strong pull on the lead making my whole body move.

I grabbed Bernies hand tightly.

She squeezed my hand,I let my fresh tears fall to the end of my chin before the dripped of my face and onto the ground.

I slowly let Bernies hand slip from my grip and it fell to the ground.

I was pulled away from bernie,everything became a blurr.

Ace called to the pet master and he,then entered the room to attend what ever it was ace wanted him for.

He handed the pet master money before heading for the door.

He dragged me along until I met with the door frame I froze and cried before turning around to see bernie lying down looking at me through sad eyes.

Ace pulled me out of the room before I got another glance at bernie before the pet master shut the door.

I followed ace,crying hard,I sniffeld and felt hot tears pour from my eyes.

This was it.

Don't be a silent reader tell me what you think love to hear your opinions!♡♡♡♡♡

Your's sincerely,dragonfly♡》

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