chapter 4

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My mind began wondering,I was scared,helpless afraid-


My face was damp from crying, night had came way to early and for this cause I couldn't sleep.

I couldn't stop thinking of how my life was gonna end.

Bernie tried to ensure me that everything was gonna be ok,but she doesn't know half the stuff I know.

Bernie was huddled Into a few pets fast asleep.

She looked relaxed witch is something you often don't see among pets in here.

I layed my head back against the wall,I exhaled and looked to the roof.

If I'm gonna die soon I might as well grasp the memories at the back of my head and think about them with the time I have before I get taken out of this place.

I closed my eyes,the sound of silence was peaceful,but you can't stay in silence to long or else you will drift into phobias,fears,sadness,and most importantly depression,You will dig your self into a big black hole and you won't be able to stop your self from digging.

I was in the depression stage.
Thinking of things that made my heart feel like it was getting pressed down,like it was getting squished.

I exhaled.

My whole life burned out and squished into the ground like the butt of a cigarette.

My purpose as a pet was to satisfy vampires with my luctious red blood.

And I can't do anything about that.

The purpose of my life was to feed a animal,to satisfy hes or her needs to let them take a bite when ever they feel like it,and I wouldn't be able to  hold back or get them to stop.

I had no rights.

But they had many.

I felt hot tears fall from my eyes.

I sniffeld and crossed my arms over one another,and placed them over my curled up legs on top of my knees.

And lay my head on them and began crying like a pup.

What was the point?

What's the purpose?

My hands began trembling as so did my whole body as I began pumping tears from my eyes.

I thought about too many things before my mind shut down and I fell into a little thing called sleep.

"Hey were do you think your going ?"he smirked as he grabbed my hair as I ran for the door.

"Please please,I'll do anything but don't kill me please I'm begging you" my limp body now covered in blood was pulled back to this man.

He smiled as he rapped hes hand around my waist and the other held me in a head lock.

He layed hes head on my shoulder and I could feel hes hot breath go in and out on my naked bruised neck.

"Aw come on vie just a little bit wouldn't do me or you any harm" he chuckled as I squirmed like a worn in hes grasp.

"Please don't do this!" I cried heavily.

" Oh baby I gotta do what I gotta do" he whispered into my ear as he's grip hardened.

"No" I cried.

I felt him move against my body and before I knew it hes shiny white fangs sunk into my neck.

My eyes opened wide my heart was beating loud and fast,I breathed in and out like I had been born again.

I grasped my neck and body.

My heavy breathing was the only sound in the room.

"what's wrong?"came a anxious voice.

Bernies voice.

"Just a night mare" I replied still out of breath.

"Oh,are you alright?" She asked worried.

"I'm still in one peace so I guess I'm alright" I replied.

"Hey,listen everything is gonna be okay " bernie reassured me,but as evil and mean as this sounds she has know clue what I'm getting pulled into.

I gave her a quick smile before I lay down.

No blanket no pillow no carpet, just the hard cement floor and my body pressed against it.

I moved around trying to get comfortable,I heard shuffling and moving before I felt bernie lay her head on my hip.

I closed my eyes and tried not to think of tommorow,for their will be no tommorow after tomorrow.

Don't be a silent reader tell me what you think love to hear your opinions!♡♡♡♡♡

Your's sincerely,dragonfly♡》

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