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On Saturday, a few days later, she called her best friend.

Everly was alone in her flat, as she remembered she hadn't spoken with Audrey for a while. She had only managed to fill her in on the most basic things over text, but it wasn't really fulfilling.

"Audreeey," Everly whined, as soon as her friend picked up the phone.

"What's up?" She sounded groggy, like she had just woken up, and Everly remembered that she had a nightshift at the hospital the night before.

"Oh no... I just woke you up, didn't I? Shit, I'm so sorry Audi!"

"No worries, it's not like I need more than 5 hours of sleep," she joked.

Everly, still feeling a little guilty about stealing away her friend's sleep, quickly changed the topic. "I called because of Richard."

"Really?" She suddenly seemed much more awake. Everly could imagine Audrey sitting straight up, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "The 'totally hot, mega hunk, with a killer jaw, Frank-Sinatra-striking blue eyes, and sexy wink' Richard Madden?", she squealed excitedly.

"Yes. Him.", Everly answered, exasperated. "He's the only Richard I know! Also, did you just squeal? Jeez, you're twenty-nine years old! Teenager much?", she teased her friend.

"Yes, it's necessary to go over it! It gives it a certain... dramatic flair," Audrey answered in an exaggerated posh voice. "Also, yes, I just squealed. Stop changing the subject, though! What's happened with Richard? Did you shag him yet?"

"Audrey!" Everly blushed, wishing her friend was sitting next to her, so she could hit her. "I just met him about a week ago!"

"Well you never know...", her friend stated, matter-of-fact.

"I'm changing the subject! Because, you know, the actual reason I called..? The director of the movie I'm casted in, is throwing a party tonight, and I've got no idea what to wear. Help!"

The party was a small get-together, to introduce the cast and some of the crew to each other. The Director, Daniel, had told them to just wear whatever, so she assumed he meant casual. It wasn't really a huge thing, but Everly still wasn't sure what to wear.

Audrey agreed that Everly should just wear something casual, except not too casual, obviously, since Richard was going to be there.

Everly facepalmed. "Everything isn't about Richard!", she argued.

She could've sworn that she heard her friend mutter something along the lines of "It isn't? Are you sure? That's definitely new.", but when Everly asked her to repeat herself, Audrey denied saying anything.

They spent the next hour putting an outfit together, chatting about nothing and everything.

In the end, they decided that she should wear a short jean skirt, paired with a white, long-sleeved, off-the-shoulder-top and white sneakers. 

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