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Shit, I have been bad about updating these last days. Trying to get better at that...

Really hope this story entertains you!

- Jane


Everly and Richard were on set, and they were filming the scene in which their characters kiss for the first time.

This was the kiss the whole movie had been building up to. Their characters had danced around each other, half the time been flirting like crazy, half the time hating each other's guts. This was the moment their characters finally realized their true feelings.

Being true to their roles, and probably also because she was nervous as hell, Everly and Richard hadn't kissed yet.

This was both their characters' and their own first kiss.

To say that Everly was anxious would be an understatement, but she was also exasperated, dying to finally kiss Richard.

They were only acting, though. She had to remember that.

It had been her mantra the whole night; (she hadn't got much sleep, go figure) both a painful reminder and a helpful nudge.

The painful part? She reminded herself they were only acting. No matter what would happen, they were just pretending.

The helpful part? They were just acting, pretending. If something went wrong, or didn't go according to plan, it was just a scene for the movie. No one would suspect she had any feelings a normal actress wouldn't have.


"And... Action!", Daniel called.

She moved from the door, walking until she stood directly in front of Richard.

"What is wrong with you?", she spat, putting malice behind her words. "Thinking you can just come waltzing back and fuck with my life again? I should have moved far away from you when I had the chance!"

Richard didn't say anything. Instead he just leaned forward slowly, pressing his lips softly to hers.

Everly had to fight to concentrate.

One part of her mind was screaming: RICHARD IS KISSING YOU!!!

The other, more rational part, was screaming at her to focus reminding her that she was in the middle of a scene.

As much as she would like to just give in to the feeling of Richard's lips on her own, she pushed the thought away, and did what the script told her to do.

She drew away, and looked deeply into his eyes.

A move she figured even the foolish part of her mind would like, because then she pounced on him.

She grabbed Richard by his collar, and smashed her mouth against his.

He, as the script described, looked stricken, before returning the kiss with the same amount of vigor.

Everly was on cloud nine.

The kiss, or make out session, was unlike anything she had ever tried before. It was beyond electric.

She was running her hands through his hair, and he was pressing them tightly together, holding onto her hips.

Everly put all her feelings into the kiss. She tried to project all the longing she had felt around Richard, all the pent-up frustration.

It payed off, because suddenly Richard groaned into her mouth, something that almost sent her spiraling into madness.

Everly was sure she had never heard anything sexier in her entire life.

Did he just...? He did! She was out of her mind with happiness.

God, she thought, kissing Richard is just so-

Her reflections got disturbed by the Director yelling: "CUT! Thanks guys, that's enough for today."

Richard broke the kiss immediately, and, before Everly could even blink, he was gone.

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