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It was early morning on set, and Everly had just taken a bath in her trailer. She hadn't even had the time to put some clothes on, when someone knocked on the door.

"Just a second!", she called out, scrambling to gather something to wear.

She ended up just throwing some sweatpants and a tank top that was inside-out on, and opened the door.

On the outside stood Richard and another incredibly handsome man, who she didn't recognize.

Everly shrieked, and then, admittedly not her proudest moment, shut the door in their faces. Half a second later she realized what she had just done, but she was way too embarrassed to bring herself to open the door again.

"I'm so sorry!", she called out to the two, probably very confused, men outside her door. "Can you come back later?"

"Of course, love." Richard answered. Everly could practically hear the laughter in his voice.


"Everly?" Richard's smooth voice sounded behind her. "Can we borrow you for a moment?"

She excused herself from her conversation with Daniel, and turned around to face both Richard and that other man she had 'met' earlier. Just like every other time she saw Richard; she couldn't keep the smile of her face.

"I would like you to meet my best mate, Taron.", Richard continued. "He's on a short break from filming, and wanted to come see the set. You know, movie star-privileges."

"So you're the famous Taron I've heard so much about?", Everly asked him, jokingly.

Taron laughed. "The one and only. Pleasure to meet you!" They shook hands.

At the same moment the Director, Daniel, came over to talk to Richard, wanting to give him some pointers about the scene they had to film the next day, and what not.

"Can't you guys just head over to the café? I'll meet you there in a few," Richard said, gesturing for them to go ahead. 

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